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Anonymous commented at 2014-07-19 11:06:39 » #1571427

This makes me wonder... Why can't Pokemon and Digimon be friends? I mean put aside their differences. Each have their own unique trait and that what makes them who they are! For me, I like them BOTH equally. (I don't like one a little more than the other) because they both been apart of my childhood and thats that. I don't get why people are like "Pokemon/Digimon is better" or "Digimon has more evolutions" or "Pokemon has a better franchise" The selfish perception of people. Pokemon and Digimon should be the bestest of friends.

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-07-21 00:32:42 » #1572331

Because one is about grand adventures against evil entities and saving the universe with great shows but mediocre games, while the other is about cockfights, with good games but a mediocre show.

Plus one has slowly detoriated in the quality of their monster designs (Pokémon) in that they can be summarized as stripes and spikes, while the other has wholly unique designs that you could write an essay going into the level of detail behind the creation of any one monster (digimon.)

Beyond both having monsters, they are literally nothing alike.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-07-24 15:14:43 » #1574447

Pokemon is just a giant in the monster-raising/kid-&-his-monster genre. Being, probably it's greatest rival, Digimon will always be in it's shadow.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-08-05 05:31:29 » #1580802

yea its sad seeing digimon slowly fading in the west. i mean, the only things they release outside of the far east these days are the occasional animes and the ever so rare games. bandai should give more live to it the same way nintendo is to pokemon. ya know, consistent, systematic updates instead of randomly introducing stuffs outa nowhere, and BRING THEIR GADDAM STUFFS TO THE WEST!!!

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-12-29 06:47:43 » #2318480

As a kid that was raised with both shows, I love both of them, though I used to like Pokémon better back in the day. Nowadays Pokémon has started losing its appeal for me and I became more of a Digimon fan. I think it's because Pokémon is targeted towards kids and Digimon is targeted towards a more mature audience. You can notice that by looking at the artstyles of each series's mons. There's no need for the 2 to be fighting because that's dumb as fuck. Digimon needs more love.

5 Points Flag