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Anonymous commented at 2009-07-09 16:15:41 » #74488

oh damn ... she did it again O.O

7 Points Flag
JohnSmith909-2 commented at 2011-05-15 16:40:23 » #735125

Yuki: "Yuno! Why did you do that?"

Yuno: "She was trying to kill you."

Yuki: "All she did was ask me if I'd seen her missing cat!"

Yuno: "Trust me Yuki, she was trying to kill you."

Yuki freaks and tries to leave Yuno, several chapters later it turns out Yuno was right, the girl was trying to kill him. Yuki has to work with Yuno to survive again and thus he mellows a little more about Yuno's violent murdering ways.

Dang it Yuki, just marry her already, she's the perfect woman!

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-05-26 09:40:49 » #748627

If he does so, he'll appear some day dead, and another world will go to the hell.

1 Points Flag