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Anonymous commented at 2014-10-07 02:38:38 » #1613894

I like this series.

And if you think about it logically, if "practical" sex-ed was mandatory, it might solve allot of problems involved with sex/the western world.

Everybody would experience it (thus they'd know exactly how it feels, what it is, ect. No mystery or media hyping to make virgins, guys especially, overly-crave it and possibly lead to negative results)

There wouldnt be virgin-shaming. And with everybody experiencing it at least once, hopefully sex would loose it's unrealistic-fantasy hold over people, and they'd be better adjusted regarding it, regardless of gender.

202 Points Flag
Tanlily commented at 2014-10-07 03:55:36 » #1613910

Contrary to what the downvote ninjas may believe, I agree with you. With that said, I think that a 'sexual communism' would only be a horizontal change, as it just leads to different kinds of ridicule, such as everyone in the entire school knowing you have a small penis.

71 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-07 06:37:45 » #1613952

You can't stop humans from being jerks, it's in our nature. :P
But then again you could have practical sex ed where it isn't in front of the whole class. XD

40 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-07 08:14:17 » #1613975

It would certainly make for an interesting spectacle, seeing children having sex. Loli/shota drawings here don't especially capture realism, so I get the feeling that seeing a young boy and girl doing it in real life would look very different. I wonder if in less enlightened times, doctors would observe children having sex to see how their behavior differed from adults.

28 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-07 09:18:47 » #1613989

I'm the 1st anon:

I wouldnt want to see KIDS having sex, but by the time you should be teaching sex-ed to people, they should be in their very early teens (13-14) and thus ready for sex, regardless of how squeemish that makes parents these days. Fact of nature that humans are ready to breed from 12+.

Obviously the older a female is, the better her body can handle a possible outcome of sex: pregnancy, but that dosnt change the fact that both genders are capable of sex from very early teens onward.

30 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-07 12:34:13 » #1614059

I think other problems would crop up instead. Tanilly mentioned one of them, that is being ridiculed if you happened to have a small penis. And well, a child wouldn't really have the opportunity to grow very big yet. Although on the other hand, that could be advantageous, as most kids wouldn't be very big either.

I think another issue that could crop up is what if one of the girls got pregnant? In America, this could end up a big issue, especially since teenage pregnancy is already widespread. Some may suggest abortion, but that too is a hot button issue. And then there is the issue of virginity. Some people want to wait until marriage or at least until they are with someone they know they love to have sex, would they be forced into having sex, just to learn about it? And of course, even if they weren't forced, they could end up pressured into it by their peers.

Another issue is that despite what one thinks, sex education at such a young age tends to actually increase instances of sex. And this in turn increases teenage pregnancy. Lastly, having sex usually doesn't prevent having more sex. On the contrary, many people, once they have sex, desire more of it. I wouldn't want to be a politician who endorsed this type of sex ed, because afterward they would be wanting said-politicians' heads.

All in all, each kid is different, and would probably be better taught by their parents. Said parents would know their child better than anyone and would know when to teach their child about sex is best. And they should, because if they wait too long, the child will learn from elsewhere. But teaching too soon can be just as much a problem.

36 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-07 12:36:02 » #1614061

Forgot to add, I think Safe anal sex should also be considered when teaching. If people are going to get their rocks off regardless, doing it in the butt will lead to less pregnancies, and therefore they don't have to worry about kids.

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-07 15:19:21 » #1614124

@anon5 i doubt it would be sex without a condom which would prevent pregnencies

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-07 21:33:23 » #1614265

I'd just like to point out, this series of images is predicated on the idea that the world underwent a disaster that killed billions of people and the kids are being taught sex at an early age in order to get them breeding and get the birth rate up to repopulate the country.

The way things are going in the world today, you guys may get your wish, just not in the way you might have wanted. And you might not be around to enjoy it.

20 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-08 09:33:24 » #1614463

Seeing as the girls outnumber the boys almost 3-to-1, I'd like to volunteer myself as a subject in this class.

17 Points Flag