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Anonymous commented at 2014-10-08 23:33:59 » #1614736

The bigger problem is, and I'm surprised nobody pointed out this, that nobody can force boys and girls to have intimate sex with school friends or whatever other human. It's almost obvious that most of the boys and girls would be against this "class", since it's not the same doing it at a young age when they're going to parties, that doing it for shcool.

Gosh, it's almost stupid thinking there's something good coming from such a silly idea. Sure it's coming from a desire you have, a fantasy. Hope you never get kids, you're the people that would force them to have sex with a cousin or whatever, looking to your "arguments"...

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-09 18:08:22 » #1615057

Damn... Look at their faces! They are so flooded in juices and her mouths are drooling in ecstasy. Lovely.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-09 22:45:59 » #1615159

That's why you'd start them off simply "exploring" each other, There was even a child erotica story on this: Start off with the generic bookwork- this is a vagina, this is a penis etc, then you ask for a volunteer to come up and strip nude. After everyone else is done freaking out, you have them strip as well, and then they masturbate each other.

After like 2 months of various "this is the canal of the vagina, this is the urethra, testicles, blah blah", you have them do their first sex

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-11 03:17:57 » #1615712

I'm Anon3.
Another problem with practical sex ed is psychological. From around 5-17, school age, boys and girls have a sort of mindset that members of the opposite sex are enemies. In kinder, you'll see boys and girls separate, segregated knots, in primary schools, boys and girls will divide into two groups very often, in secondary school, severe insults are thrown. There are exceptions when it comes to dating, but most often, boys and girls tend to avoid each other like the Plague.

Sex is one of the times that a human is most psycholically vulnerable, and getting boys and girls at school to become vulnerable in front of those they insulted at recess is like attempting to tunnel to Katmandu from New York using only a toothpick, it's time consuming and you don't get very far. School children are very stubborn and will almost never do anything they're uncomfortable with, and it'd be hard to resist the majority of the class.

Because of the way boys and girls at school age think, practical sex education would be very, well, impractical. Nice fantasy, but in practice, you would have a hellish time getting the boys and girls to cooperate.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-16 10:53:12 » #1618555

@Anon3. Playing devil's advocate here, but I believe that's mostly due to the mental conditioning we have surrounding sex from a young. It is treated like a huge step, a milestone, but as with any cultural line of thought that can be changed. It would be as hard as you say, but only at first, and within a few years can change outright.

Any topic regarding sex, let alone sex and kids, is typically very complicated.

1 Points Flag
Anon_Omus commented at 2014-10-21 09:58:24 » #1621278

Okay, don't make those types of inferences about us people with these views(and yes I agree with many of the things said in the comments section) because, yes, people cannot force boys and girls into intimate sex, but we can teach it to them, show them how, and educate them more. Besides, if children know about and want sex, as long as it is all consensual, I have no problems with it. Sex is nothing to be feared, but pleasured. It is, after all, a way of showing intimacy and affection, and relieving stress. It's nothing special, really. It's an act.

6 Points Flag
Anon_Omus commented at 2014-10-21 10:10:01 » #1621280

By the way, I'm talking to Anonymous >> #1614736

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-21 10:19:17 » #1621287

It's special if your society makes it so, everything has to do with what society makes of it--you can't escape being a part of your society no matter how much you try...For example, in some places daughters are considered quite acceptable, if not "special," while in others they are still considered very undesirable, certainly when compared to sons (no "spoiling" of girl children in such societies); so what is "special" is relative and in great part determined by human societies specific in time and place.

5 Points Flag
genkouhande commented at 2014-10-22 22:07:20 » #1622081

decensoring by genkouhande

5 Points Flag
exbmax1 commented at 2014-11-19 01:09:48 » #1637664

I will say that this is now my favorite post here of all time! This is the most intriguing and intelligent discussion I have seen on this site since I started visiting. And considering the image, that's impressive!

7 Points Flag