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MAtgS commented at 2014-11-28 21:15:06 » #1643381

An excerpt from the Team Rocket application form:

Why did you decide to apply with Team Rocket Ltd? Check all that apply.
[ ]To steal any poke'mon I want, especially Ratatas & Zubats, they're so hard to find
[ ]For the bitchin' sweet uniforms
[ ]The other teams are a bunch of dicks
[ ]Raping all of the 10 year old girls that are somehow allowed to travel alone with only a lv. 5 poke'mon
[ ]I need a motto to recite before every battle & the Green Lanterns weren't hiring at the time
[ ]Other: specify in the box below

27 Points Flag
TheNewGuy04 commented at 2014-11-29 06:07:24 » #1643599

Why did you decide to apply with Team Rocket Ltd? Check all that apply.
[x]To steal any poke'mon I want, especially Ratatas & Zubats, they're so hard to find
[x]For the bitchin' sweet uniforms
[x]The other teams are a bunch of dicks
[x]Raping all of the 10 year old girls that are somehow allowed to travel alone with only a lv. 5 poke'mon
[x]I need a motto to recite before every battle & the Green Lanterns weren't hiring at the time
[x]Other: specify in the box below; Enslaving that sweet bitch Misty for sex.

14 Points Flag
Psajdak commented at 2014-12-01 12:50:01 » #1644783

Is this really rape?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-12-01 16:33:28 » #1644867

the blood and bruises are a pretty good clue.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-01 07:21:13 » #1662476

Also, the tears, the torn clothing, the collar, & the villain.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-10-16 17:43:15 » #2292522

it could just be really ruff foreplay. i'd be into being hit a few times with some good roleplay before fucking... anyway... for that team rocket questionnaire, more into the guys and honestly would prefer team aqua or magma but they're hard to get to

0 Points Flag