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Anonymous commented at 2015-01-11 16:47:11 » #1668512

This salute dates back to the English Longbowman who fought the French during the Hundred Years War (1337 – 1453). The French hated the English archers who used the Longbow with such devastating effect. Any English archers who were caught by the French had their Index and middle fingers chopped off from their right hand- a terrible penalty for an archer. This led to the practice of the English archers, especially in siege situations, taunting their French enemy with their continued presence by raising their two fingers in the ‘Two-Fingered Salute’ meaning “You haven’t cut off my fingers !”

The more you know...

76 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-11 19:08:26 » #1668600

Came to the site to fap, instead I learned a thing about 14th century European history. Huh.

Still fapping to this tho...

50 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-11 23:54:45 » #1668731

Do you have any sources for this?
Not saying you're wrong or anything, just wondering where you get this info from as I like the Medieval ages and stuff.

6 Points Flag
bill2066 commented at 2015-01-12 11:41:46 » #1668914

There is no proof of it, but there were rumors of it and for the anime to acknowledge it is pretty cool

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-12 14:18:13 » #1668975

guys this shit is for real. I was stoned looking for gifs to fap to, then came across this pic in "animated" section, read that entire shit, decided to fucking google that and I found:

Mind-blown. That anon1 has incredible knowledge in history.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-12 17:48:32 » #1669078

Oh hot diggidy.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-13 00:53:17 » #1669276

Yeah I live in the UK for work and learned this on a tour of an old castle, thats shits legit. If you raise to fingers like "peace" most people know its an out dated insult, but if you are arguing with someone in a pub during a football match, DO NOT flash that shit. You may infuriate the whole damn bar!

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-13 23:56:53 » #1669859

Isn't the salute also a sort of way of saying "I can kill you with two fingers, m8"?

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-14 19:02:35 » #1670224

I suddenly feel smarter now.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-19 15:41:26 » #1673222

Well, if you do it as shown, outside of your hand outward it IS a almost deadly insult esp. towards a frenchman. Yet, done with the palm outwards it is the victory sign, once made popular by premier minister Winston Churchill.

0 Points Flag