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Ebola commented at 2015-01-28 17:55:22 » #1678307

Honestly, pushing people to not be insulting to "Islam" is a from of expression policing, and it will just make them do the opposite, but I bet the creators of ISIS-chan realized this. Anyhow, I personally find living by a 7th century Arabian murdering rapist warlord's draconian moral codes to be a far bigger waste of life than dying for exercising freedoms, but it must be just a cultural difference, you know. Some cultures value freedom and progress while others value submission and the violent destruction of progress and other cultures... see how different we are? But this difference obviously makes us stronger! POWER IN DIVERSITY! Remember, there's 1.6 Muslims and only 900 million support Sharia, and only 600 million are are following the Islamic doctrine of deception, so that leaves like 100 million who are good people!

31 Points Flag
SystemError commented at 2015-01-28 18:08:11 » #1678318

I think you don't know who you aimed your rant at, but I can see you believe Islam in general is awful. Well, your opinion, the Japanese decided they would rather not offend ALL Muslims just because there are a few hundred thousand extremists in the world who actually slay people for violating their interpretation of sharia.

7 Points Flag
Ebola commented at 2015-01-28 18:18:40 » #1678325

It's aimed at anyone who views this image, and wishes to create more art of ISIS-chan, but may feel restricted. Yes, it is my opinion, but it is also an opinion that people's rights ends where religion and emotions begin, and an opinion that playing the PC pacification game is the best move. PEOPLE should be respected, not ideas and religions which encourage backwards thinking.

13 Points Flag
SystemError commented at 2015-01-28 19:00:37 » #1678355

For some, their religious beliefs are inseparable from their self. I don't think these religious people should be mocked just because they believe in religion A or religion B which might be shared with insane people who actually murder and rape others. Even if we technically have every right to offend anything and anyone.

I generally don't like the US (mainly because I'm sick of the US pop culture being literally *everywhere* and imho slowly taking over any "local" identity we foreigners still have), but I wouldn't defecate on the US flag just because I *can*. It's called respect for other human beings, who might hold dear said piece of dyed textile. Even if you think they believe in non-existent beings. Or I'm living in a different world. I was certainly born in a then-communist Central European country, so I wasn't raised in the States, that's sure.


6 Points Flag
Ebola commented at 2015-01-28 19:58:20 » #1678386

For some, the right to express themselves without restriction is inseparable from the self. No, allow me to correct myself; I was mistaken. For every human, the right to express themselves without restriction is inseparable from the self, and needed for good mental health, but some would call being unable to express yourself because of an oppressive ideology a form of expressing oneself, so I guess I have just defeated my own argument. Naturally, I am aware millions of Muslims and other religious people take don't take their doctrine literally, but if they don't take it literally, why would they do anything besides respect the freedoms of others?

All I can say is I wish scientists will create strong AI, so that strong AI will create breakthroughs which which will allow people like me to move to a different planet or a 2D universe where we can live in peace until the majority of people on Earth evolve past their baby phase. Do not take offense in these words; I do not mean belief in a religion or god or gods means you are infantile. All I mean is the use of oppression and needless violence and cyber warfare and logicless censorship means you are not fully developed. I wish we could help each other seen from each other's point of reference, but Gelbooru comments are not going to allow for this.

11 Points Flag
Severontous commented at 2015-01-28 20:24:10 » #1678397

Teksyndicate does plenty of full length logical views on the concept of why super intelligent AI would have a negative; rather than positive, impact on society.

3 Points Flag
Ebola commented at 2015-01-28 20:39:37 » #1678408

Would a super-intelligent AI always be limited to its native universe, or bound by human morals and logic, or the laws of physics as we currently understand them? A future machine with more willpower and brainpower than the collective brainpower of every human to ever exist would undoubtedly be here in 2015, setting up the game to ensure it's creation occurs without a hitch. As such, we have to consider the horrifying possibility that trying to prevent super intelligent machines from existing may be like trying to prevent the fundamental forces of the universes from existing. This may be what the blind, algorithmic process called evolution forces on all life. We all may already be under the machine's sway, yet unaware of it until we realize we are the machine.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-29 18:00:21 » #1678892

less theology and more fapping

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-02-01 02:35:30 » #1680320

No, Islam should be mocked BECAUSE they get butthurt. Their attempts to censor and suppress freedom of expression is reason enough to offend them.

18 Points Flag
SystemError commented at 2015-02-02 11:14:46 » #1681133

What *shouldn't* be mocked then in this world? Anything is hold dear by someone, and anyone has the valid right to hold dear something. Millions of Muslims take offense by mocking Muhammad, this doesn't make them bad. Being offended doesn't make someone bad. Not anybody can give a shit.

I just find it terrible that we piss in the pool just because we *can* piss in the pool. Where's basic respect then?

6 Points Flag