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Anonymous commented at 2015-02-05 01:02:50 » #1682730

Oh my gosh, Roll, you cutie. <3

27 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-02-06 00:20:25 » #1683287

Oh man i so wanna fuck her right about now

24 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-02-14 15:33:11 » #1688653

People wanna fuck a little robot girl, I'm not surprised, but I still find it disturbing...

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-02-21 21:22:12 » #1692842

/Anon 3

Why is that disturbing? You've been fucking your hand your whole life anyway.

23 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-02-27 01:30:52 » #1695681

You're on a site full of pictures of sexual violence against women.

And you have a problem with loli?
I don't get it. If there's anything disturbing on this site, it's the depictions of violence and suffering. Not what body type someone is attracted to.

Here's an interesting thing about "robot loli", too. Is that, while some adults in real life already look like lolis. It's only going to be more possible and more common with robots. A common misconception is that, in a robot future, there will robots and humans and a divide between. When in reality, many humans will choose to augment themselves and merge with machine. Adding bionic parts, and change their own gene instructions.

People are going to become cyborgs, and not just leave all of these enhancements and super human abilities to the robots. Like in the Mega Man stories.

Why do I bring this up? How is it disturbing, if people are attracted to childlike people, if people are attracted to "little robots", if little girl robots, can just as easily be adults who can consent? Robots and cyborgs and cosmetic augmentations and the like, are the answer to many sexual problems facing many people.

At least with robots, it will be very easy to express their preferences or sexual leanings towards a young body type, in an entirely consensual and harmless fashion. Just as lolicon hentai hurts no one, neither would sex with a childlike robot.

And you can bet, once robot little girls exists, there will be fully consenting adult women in them. Is that disturbing? A body type? A fully adult, someone able to consent, in a younger body type?

I find that far less disturbing than rape fetish. At least with loli like this, the person is just attracted to a body type. And may not have a rape fetish at all. While people with a rape fetish, literally have a fetish about raping people.

Having a fetish for raping someone seems far more disturbing than attraction to a body type.

32 Points Flag
ZeroKoranamy_ commented at 2015-03-14 04:18:37 » #1704386

(OHH MY GOD!...get the f#ck over it! it's just a picture that this artist drew who cares if ii is loli at least its not a reall little girl JESUS!)

(that being said)..the art work is amazing its got great detail do please make more who ever made this

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-08-12 23:47:58 » #1794189

Oh, man... I don't even want to fuck her. I just want to hug her and kiss her naked body.

10 Points Flag