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kuiyuelu commented at 2015-03-29 00:25:52 » #1712432

The electric resistance of human is very large than metal's. Thus the electricity may go directly through the metal and do nothing with girl's body.

20 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-29 01:20:29 » #1712464

^You know nothing of how science works.

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-31 23:39:41 » #1714123

Kuiyuelu, the human body makes for a great conductor. Electical currents in the brain make your heart beat and lungs expands and contract. If the flow is disrupted, you can suffer a stroke or even die.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-04-05 15:50:37 » #1716906

The connection to the rod is basically a short circuit... so no relevant amount of current would ever flow through her.
The Human body is in no way a "great" conductor, better than water maybe but water is a bad conductor anyway (salt water is an exception of sorts).
Just saying Mr. and Mrs. We-know-how-"science"-works

25 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-04-06 12:00:58 » #1717465

Yeah, all that'd happen is that the rod would get hot.

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-05-03 23:00:39 » #1733783

Grmbl. All I see is a slave unhappy with it's containment and also not working while sweating and cumming. Experiment failed, enslave the scientists responsible for this setup.

2 Points Flag
madyman commented at 2015-06-16 21:30:03 » #1759048

As long as the circuit is completed, and you are grounded, you would get electrocuted. The body may not be a "Great conductor" but it doesn't need to be. Just being a conductor is enough.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-11-29 01:39:57 » #1856702

The effect of this setup is really dependent on how that chain on her neck is connected on both ends. If it's grounded and in contact with her skin, it may be a relatively low percentage, but some of that electricity will flow through her. Voltage, amperage, and wave form are also important variables.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-29 00:49:57 » #1873283

She is a goddamn shipgirl all ur arguments are invalid

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-02-19 20:39:09 » #1902510

for anyone curious about the physics yes a current would flow through both her and the metal sheet the reason is because this would act as a parallel resister circuit for (hopefully) DC (parallel is where the circuit of one voltage source branches with two resisters on the different paths(opposite of series circuits) and current will flow through the paths proportionally to ohms law(V=IR) where voltage is the same for both paths this means the current will change with resistance I=V/R but this will only be zero for infinite resistance which human body isn't (its high but not infinite) so although the current wont be as high as the metal but if voltage is extremely high then the current could be felt
example V=12V Rmetal=100 ohms Rbody=10^12 ohms
Imetal=12/100=.12A Ibody=12*10^-12 A (negligible but still exists)
btw as for the people who talk about ground i think this has to do with voltage for the reason being connected to ground is dangerous this is because the cathode and anode of a battery each have a voltage (of opposite sign) associated with them and the net voltage is there sum while ground is defined as having a 0 V potential so often by connecting a circuit to a ground part of the circuit will have a much larger V while keeping same R so current spikes
example: a battery has an anode with -15V of potential and the cathode has 14V of potential the net potential of battery will be -1V(negative only indicates the net charge) if you remove the wire from the cathode to ground then potential is -15+0 or -15V (i think this is why it happens not 100% sure)

parallel circuits

current travels both paths but it will favor the path of least resistance more

7 Points Flag