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Retropretzel commented at 2015-06-12 16:32:34 » #1756320

So sweet! I wish I had a girl to love like that~ <3

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-09 01:39:53 » #1946848

I saw this post as I was scrolling along and I thought it was really cute, so I filtered to just momose's work to see what other stuff he/she does.
After scrolling and "d'awww"ing for a bit, I started thinking about why someone would draw things like this. When I initially came on here, I was looking for porn. All of this artist's work seems pretty safe, yet often a little suggestive and definitely playing on heavy romance themes. From the viewpoint of someone here for porn, I didn't quite get it right away. Cute, yes. "Satisfying", not quite. Why wouldn't someone draw to satisfy?

But then, I suddenly realized why. I looked at the faces of the characters. Almost all of them are happy. They look overjoyed to be with each other. This artist has captured love in his/her drawings so perfectly. All of them feel so alive and real.

Realizing this, I started tearing up a little. What the heck am I doing here, looking for porn? Who would ever need that, if something as comforting and heartwarming as this exists. It made me sad to realize that even if something like this does exist outside of my computer screen, it's not something I have. I've been homeschooled since grade 3 (in grade 12 now) so I've been by myself a large portion of my life, and I'm totally used to it. But, for the first time, this made me realize that I've actually been a little lonely. I'm jealous of those two characters in this picture. I want to love like they do, with no pressure of sexual tension or anything like that. Sex/porn isn't what I want, even though I've spent more than just a few hours obsessing for it. Just being happy with someone close is.

My hat is off to momose, for making me realize this.
Beautiful artwork. <3

1 Points Flag