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Anonymous commented at 2015-11-23 10:38:37 » #1853797

boy you must be trippin'! what you on about? going sage mode without any training... what made you even think of something like that? sage mode is a technique, not something genetically passed down to you, like a kekkegenkai or whatever. you must learn it and master it. If Jiraiya couldn't master it fully and still had frog-like features while in sage mode and if Naruto had trouble with it, there's no way Bolt will do it in the way you said. besides, i've seen some clips from the movie in which he had difficulty with shadow clones while Sasuke trained him, that should be enough.
unless he did something in the movies to make you think that and i don't know because i haven't watched the last and boruto the movie yet.
also i do have a question, does the fact that they do not have those pupils that the Hyuuga have mean that they do not possess the bloodline? or is that not a requirement? i always thought it was but i dunno, this might be the first time that a Hyuuga marries outside of the clan or whatever. didn't they do that inside the clan to keep the bloodline pure or whatever? i might be wrong though, i forgot some things...
it would be cool if they had it, we could see some new cool things.

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