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ShiftKey commented at 2015-07-03 09:30:31 » #1770124

Stupid, sexy Takeshi.

11 Points Flag
Mymom commented at 2015-07-04 00:18:21 » #1770509

Feels Like he is wearing nothing at all
nothing at all
nothing at all
nothing at all

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-14 05:46:25 » #1776502

Why isn't there more yaoi art of Takashi?

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-08-28 10:07:01 » #1803719

Because no one wants to see homo-ass yaoi shit. It's an anime with a core group consisting of 2 males and 4 bangin-ass females. Nothing there screams yaoi. You want yaoi go back to Boku No Pico.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-10-16 06:12:09 » #1831593

Anon2 is kinda right. HsotD is not exactly a show with the female demographic in mind. Takashi is meant to serve as the male self-insert character and possibly a pretty face for whatever women are watching to faun over. He is in entirely the wrong show to have Yaoi bait for many reasons:
1) This show was never meant to have an audience that was interested in seeing males romantically envolved, it's meant to push ass and titties.
2) there aren't many male characters for him to really be Yaoi with, except the undead and the fat guy.
3) He is quite clearly straight and has had nothing even barely resembling a romantic moment with a male character. The closest being when he is stuck with the fat guy and they are both creaming over guns.
3.5) He spends almost all of his time trying to decide which of the female leads he most wants to fuck.

As you can see, there is very little in the way of yaoi bait and though I know that the internet community will ship any two men that so much as look at each other, the problem is that the only men he really looks at are the ones that are supposed to be physically repulsing.

1 Points Flag
Matsujin commented at 2015-12-05 08:41:56 » #1860201

I want Takashi to sit on my face

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-12-27 04:54:20 » #2071304

Anon4, Anon5

> Implying fandom actually cares about character's sexual orientations.

1 Points Flag