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twilight_jester commented at 2015-08-06 16:14:00 » #1790247

wow, I bet some of you KLK fans are starting to regret your hatred towards Satsuki from the first couple of episodes.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-08-06 16:57:51 » #1790290

Honestly I wanted to fuck her since episode 1.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-08-07 06:31:26 » #1790608

Satsuki was my favourite sine the start.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-08-07 08:22:26 » #1790633

@ twilight_jester:

I never hated Satsuki (always saw her as the Vergil to Ryuko's Dante from Devil May Cry), but I admit I usually want to see arrogant, tryant-like characters get their comeuppance - and Satsuki was no exception.

Kill la Kill does such a great job of setting her up as the antagonist that you want to see get knocked down a peg (how satisfying was it to see Ryuko finally get the better of her?) and then turning everything on it's head by making her the secret heroine and making you sympathize with her to the max.

Finally seeing the soft side of Satsuki and her sisterly affection for Ryuko was heartwarming and this picture does it so much justice :)

Did I mention how much I love Kill la Kill?

4 Points Flag
99-cells commented at 2015-08-12 16:38:28 » #1793983

^ If there's ANY reason for Satsuki to be punished the way she was is that she only had a few words to sum up the secret that her evil mother has kept from her: "I've been a fool!"

0 Points Flag