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Anonymous commented at 2015-09-12 20:02:09 » #1812578

"Are they gonna play the same music they always do when they-- Yep. Yes they are."

38 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-09-12 22:18:24 » #1812642

for the anime now we have : illya/miyu kiss from episode 10/2wei ep1 that was altered, miyu/kuro from 2wei ep 2, illya/kuro from 2wei ep 6 that was changed from the manga, illya/kuro from 2wei special 4 which is zoomed out, illya/kuro in the 2wei ova(holy damn need moar), illya/kuro in 2wei 2wei herz ep 1 and ep 8. If silver link animates drei we may get a another illya/kuro scene from chapter 8.

Sorry that I didn't mention the other girls kuro kissed but I don't give a damn about illya's slice-of-life friends.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-09-14 13:13:42 » #1813549

The freakn teasing with the thigh!!! YES KURO.

26 Points Flag
AileronA commented at 2015-09-14 16:10:53 » #1813647

Aaand, does anybody know name of that piano music?

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-09-17 01:41:56 » #1815018

Type-MOON is really trying way too fucking hard. Guess they're justified considering people eat retarded shit like this up.

4 Points Flag
St_Haborym commented at 2015-09-18 04:24:11 » #1815731

@anon 4
In my experience, the most self-righteous people tend to be the most guilty of hypocrisy and double standards. They also tend to be the most immature.

27 Points Flag
St_Haborym commented at 2015-09-18 04:38:25 » #1815737

Also opinions are like assholes etc etc. It's fine to have a contradictory one, but it's not fine to be a rude cuntbag about it, because that's how whiny little children behave, and no one likes that. Not adults, not other kids, no one.

The most important thing to remember here is that lolis sucking each others' tongues swapping spit is fucking hot.

20 Points Flag
RtDK commented at 2016-09-25 10:45:34 » #2024954

Goddamn, this series is gonna give me an aneurysm... @_@

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-10-14 02:16:54 » #2033470

St_Haborym being a huge hypocrite by displaying the very attitude he's speaking out against, and Gelbooru upvotes the shit out of him. Is there a word for the hypocrisy of acting the same as the hypocrisy you're supposedly pointing out, by the way?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-10-14 02:20:52 » #2033473

To be fair, I don't see Anon4 as being self-righteous or trying to make a point about lolis or anything. Were they rude? Fuck yes they were. But I think it's a pretty valid point that this spinoff is taking what was a pretty respectable action series with pretty good characters and storylines and creating a spinoff that is nothing but pandering in the most shameless way. It admittedly does reek of desperation, in all honesty.

While they shouldn't have said what they did in such an asshole-ish way, I think that they have a pretty valid point, and acting literally the same way towards them while hiding it behind a holier-than-thou attitude doesn't come off as looking much better.

Also, please don't downvote this just because you might disagree with my statements on this series being pandering or the like. I'm not saying that to try to dump on it or any of you if you like it; I just wanted to point out another perfectly respectable viewpoint hidden in the crudeness.

4 Points Flag