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Anonymous commented at 2016-07-06 20:32:26 » #1982034

You can also get the wolf girls that seem to indicate dead ends to show up near the house by masturbating until her action takes place, and allow it to finish (doesn't actually reduce your health).
Also, 1.08 is out now.

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Anonymous commented at 2016-07-07 12:08:24 » #1982333

Mushroom girl can be captured but cumming on her thrice. Dont hit her, that triggers her attack.
For Santa Hat girl, you need to start masturbating near her, she'll get hearts around her. When she slips under to try and get you, jump behind her and hit her. Im not sure if its the first try or multiple tries that finally stun her.

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Anonymous commented at 2016-07-12 03:55:06 » #1984880

So, what's the latest password? For version 1.08?

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Anonymous commented at 2016-07-13 12:55:12 » #1985543

1.08 password is fobs0704

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Anonymous commented at 2016-07-13 20:08:27 » #1985745

To get the zombie girl, have the slime girl's ability equipped. Let the zombie girl vomit on you than press Up+A quickly. The zombie will fall back on her ass and you can capture her.

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Anonymous commented at 2016-07-13 20:16:51 » #1985748

^ almost forgot, the girls with the red hair and fat bellies, jerk off and cum on them, then use the slime wall.

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Anonymous commented at 2016-07-14 17:10:38 » #1986163

Same anon as the previous two comments here. I just found the mansion. After you get the weird Block from the slug room, equip it and just go back home. There will be a purple warp at your bed.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-14 18:33:39 » #1986184

Sorry, you're gonna have to help me outhere. Where is this 'slug room' you speak of, Anon-6163?

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Anonymous commented at 2016-07-16 23:05:36 » #1987257

with the hooded cats, you let them start charging first attack, hit them dodge their dash at you, they will charge attack again, hit them again then you can capture them.

You guys mention being able to masturbate, I can't for the life of me figure out how to do that.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-17 18:13:28 » #1987724

Anon 6184, you have to go into the tree stage (Best way I can describe it). Keep exploring until you find the warp that lets you go home. In the same level as the warp, head to your right and jump past the Santa hat chick with huge breasts, then go down and head to the left past to 2 mushrooms. On the far left there's 3 standing, dark brown logs, jump on them and press up for a hidden warp. Get past the slugs and there's a weird block, pick it up and equip then go back home.
Anon 7257, you don't have to do that for the hooded cat girl, all you have to do is hit their charge ball and it'll explode them into submission. Also, you have to get the power up after deafeating the Monkey to masturbate. Spacebar to equip it.

P.S. For anyone in the mansion, there's these emotionless girls with big claws that'll slash at you. To capture them, just masterbate, a little speech bubble will pop up with ellipsis, she'll walk to you and start grinding on you're cock. Don't escape and just cum, as soon as you're done, get up quickly and jack off again and let her rape you once more until you cum. Then you can capture her. I don't know how to capture the others and the mini boss mummy keeps killing me because I can't escape fast enough. I'm not even sure how to kill her as of right now. I'll try again later today.

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