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Anonymous commented at 2015-11-25 04:33:44 » #1854743

Technically, the sorceress' bust is because this guy draws big boobs on everything that can raise the dead.

Which yes, I guess translates into "I just really like big tits".

40 Points Flag
BaconMinion commented at 2015-11-25 11:05:44 » #1854864

Honesty is the best policy.

66 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-11-26 22:30:47 » #1855570

Not giving in to the west's PC bullshit is the best policy.

66 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-11-27 21:35:19 » #1856074

Yes, because treating females with respect and dignity is such bullshit. Only a basement-dwelling neckbeard who has never had contact with women believes something like that.

23 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-11-27 22:00:28 » #1856087

There's treating women with respect.
Then there's treating any depiction of a sexy female like it's dehumanizing and automatically treats them like they're 'objects' when really the human body should be respected and admired in all it's beauty.
Admiring a sexy womans sexiness is, in a way, respect is it not?

89 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2015-11-27 22:38:50 » #1856106

Exactly, not everything sexual or sexy is sexist. Really saying a female character should never be depicted as sexy is just a different form of sexism.

Not every guy sees the female form like an object, they just admire it's beauty and drawing sexy chicks is how they show how they admire it. Most Hentai artists I've talked to, male and female, tend to have a pretty positive outlook on women and see them as people, and it's fantasy, not like we never had naked guys in works of fiction. I think I've only ever met two artists who I can say hate woman and see them as objects.

And I think context plays a big part as well, is it trying to be grounded or over the top? Serious or ridiculous? In a world like Street Fighter where people throw fireballs, I really don't feel like the half naked men and women are out of place, it's just another over the top thing in a cartoonish world and not meant to be taken serious.

58 Points Flag
BaconMinion commented at 2015-11-27 23:00:14 » #1856109

Objectification is a real thing, and it's a horrible mental illness. The people who suffer from it can never actually form any kind of social bonds with people, as they literally do not see them as human.

To claim that people objectify others is, in essence, an insult towards people who actually suffer from such an illness and trivializes that suffering just to have a buzzword.

3 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2015-11-27 23:30:09 » #1856131

Telling women how to dress or that they should cover up, making men feel ashamed for finding women attractive, telling women how they should feel about a sexulized female characters, telling artists what they can or can't make, saying a female character should never be sexual (especially when there are sexulized males in the same game/show and no one objects to that) is not good.

It's sexual repression, it's sex negative, sex-phobic, it's sexist to both men and women, and it's censorship. Do I think there should be and want more realistic female characters like Faith from Mirror's Edge? Yes but I also think even sexualized characters have their place in entertainment and we should not be getting rid of either one. Everything has it's time and place, even stupid pandering.

And for all the bitching that goes on about games and anime, in a prefect world isn't how a lot of characters react to a scanty clad woman how people should react to women in real life? Not give a shit or make a big deal shes showing some skin? As long as people aren't doing something stupid like getting into gun fights without a bullet proof vest or clothes, who cares?

I feel like the world would be better if we had a more positive view on sex like the Ancient Egyptians did. I don't agree with everything they did, but they had some good ideas.

49 Points Flag
KhightMare commented at 2015-12-02 03:45:48 » #1858497

There are truths on both sides..

Don't pretend that there is no issue with how women are portrayed in media as just a slab a meat. Good enough to be stripped, displayed and showcased, but not good enough to be a main character or god forbid on the cover of a video game because of the sexist Video Game industry thinking having a female character on the cover scares ppl away. And it doesn't matter what artist do or don't put in their content, you cant tell them what to do, but that doesn't automatically mean everyone has to accept it. Because a lot of artist do deserve criticism for their rather shallow "Art." Especially when its so desperately obvious to be catered to a specific demographic. Let them do what they want, and let ppl react however they wish.

And on the other side don't act as if every single female in media is a victim just because she's not wearing a shirt. Many women feel just as comfortable without a shirt than any man does without one. Stop crying as soon as you see something sexy in media, because the truth of the matter is everyone enjoys a bit of fan service including woman. If they didn't then you wouldn't even be on this site to begin with. A strong female character that happens to feel comfortable in her own skin isn't sexist. Its only sexist when that's ALL she amount to. When a female character, character traits are big boobs and ass, and nothing else. Because women in reality are much much more than just ass.

42 Points Flag
BaconMinion commented at 2015-12-02 04:11:18 » #1858505

Talking about fictional characters like they're actually people... the world today really is just fucked.

27 Points Flag