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Anonymous commented at 2015-12-08 04:41:35 » #1861759

Patreon's pissing me off.

80 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-08 09:59:02 » #1861841

It's good that artists can earn money to even work on their art full time, but I prefer Patreons that release everything public and they exist on the basis that you want the artist to do their work. You can't realistically support every Patreon you like and blocking content forever jsut for Patrons is stupid.

38 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-08 12:56:40 » #1861898

Not to mention that it kind of goes against the whole idea. The idea of a patron, the thing Patreon is named for, is to pay to support an artist you enjoy the works of, so they can continue to produce such; not to be a Pay-wall so that ONLY those patrons get access to the art. Early viewings, behind the scenes, etc., these were the things that patrons would traditionally get. Not exclusive access to the art.

But at least we've got some Patrons who'll repost the stuff around for the rest of us.

31 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-09 02:28:43 » #1862260

I always hated how artists hold pages hostage for a lump sum of money every month. Individual pages, no less... Have some integrity, goddammit.

21 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-09 04:24:20 » #1862300

Yeah, because I'm totally going to pay for some sub-par art that's being held hostage instead of finding better quality art for free on countless other websites.

I hate Patreon, and the artists who go on it and do shit like this. No, I'm not saying artists with talent shouldn't be able to reap some rewards for their hard work. There are plenty of ways this has been done in the past (commissions, selling prints, etc.).

Stuff like this is pathetic. For one, it's an utter lack of integrity and just a scumbag move. "Oh, my art is sooo special, only a super secret premium club who paid me get to see it." Fun fact, 99.9% of the time the art on Patreon, hentai or not, is rarely ever worth being held behind a paywall or something.

You want to hold your art hostage and realistically expect people to pay for it? Make a doujin or scrapbook or something. Stuff like this is just spitting on a lot of things, but especially on the other artists who make their art just because they enjoy it, not because they're money-hungry bastards who have the laughable idea that their art is so good that somebody would pay for a single, pre-drawn page to be 'unlocked' for viewing.

28 Points Flag
BaconMinion commented at 2015-12-09 17:28:51 » #1862555

Can we have a Patreon tag so that I can blacklist it? I can only handle so many pretentious fucktards in a given day.

22 Points Flag
leejunne commented at 2015-12-10 22:02:03 » #1863357

The thing that sets me off the most is that artists often possess a mentality of "I need your money more than you need your money."

Which simply isn't true. There's rent, electricity, water, gas, etc. bills that take priority, I need food and drink daily, and I'll probably be dead before the student loans are finally gone. I get that they have these very same financial obstacles as well, but that's their money which they need more than anybody else.

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-10 22:15:35 » #1863370

Should this have even been uploaded to Gelbooru? It looks frighteningly close to being blatant advertising for a paysite. I guess it is a grey area though because it wasn't the artist himself that uploaded the image.

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-11 09:02:41 » #1863614

Maybe someone could shop out the text and we'd have a nic pic of naked Linkle. :D Don't tell me you fap to an ad.

9 Points Flag
KylStudios commented at 2015-12-12 09:23:07 » #1864098

Hi, this is Zoku, a guy who's about to be posting to this site quite commonly. I am an artist who just started on patreon and is attempting to make art and hentai my full time job.

Now that I've seen how people react to patreon artists in such a way, i know what to do, so thanks for the rants. But remember, for some people this is the ONLY way they have been able to make a decent living.

As such, even though it is annoying, some content NEEDS to be on lockdown. Its a way to get people to actually give something rather than just take. And on patreon you can pay whatever you want to access people's patronage rewards. The problem is people can just wait out content for someone to decide to repost it to a free site- of which MOST sites do NOT support.

Don't patronize this guy for trying to make money. It's just not fair. If you don't want to pay for it, they are not forcing you to. But if you have the extra cash, and want to access some good ole fappage material, then feel free to give like a DOLLAR a month to the guy for giving you that.

Thanks to these rants, i'm going to avoid pissing off the audience as much as possible, but having patron-only content is a must to survive on patreon.

14 Points Flag