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KINGROCKET commented at 2016-01-25 11:55:07 » #1888818

The real monster is always humanity. People keep telling about how they hate Chara, but did they even think about why did they became so hateful in the first place?
Chara is still a kid, and some terrible things happened that caused her to hate humanity.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-02-02 15:44:51 » #1893359

Or maybe she's just psycho?

Some people are simply not... right.

3 Points Flag
Shade_of_the_Wolf commented at 2016-02-08 06:41:15 » #1896369

We are all the products of the environment in which we were raised

8 Points Flag
benict commented at 2016-02-13 21:47:12 » #1899512

Well....In Undertale there is really only one villain...bet you'll never figure out who it is.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-02-25 16:06:02 » #1905380

^ It's YOU.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-03-13 20:54:21 » #1914882

Shade - I'm living proof that pathetic cop-out excuse is FALSE ("If at first you don't succeed, blame someone else and seek counseling"?....bullshit) .

It is not your environment, but the choices you make. Otherwise, given my own childhood, I would have become like Chara long ago.

But I didn't.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-30 03:26:07 » #1941697

#1914882 Sure thing, internet badass, a cop-out... you just don't understand how humans work. Your comment really is pathetic and false. Do you know why? Because different humans react to the same situations in different ways. Maybe you had it bad, maybe you're just some attention whore. I can't tell, and frankly it doesn't matter who you are or what happened to you. What I can tell is that there are situations that would break you.

We have no idea what happened to Chara in this context. She could have been kept as a sex slave and raped every day, had her siblings tortured to death in front of her eyes and been forced to eat her puppy for survival. Or maybe someone just took her chocolate away, who knows? The only thing I'm fairly sure of is that your issues weren't as bad as what I described as the worst case scenario.

Going by your logic, we should just tell any victims of a crime to suck it up instead of punishing the criminals or trying to improve the situation by other means. Your choices matter, but they aren't everything. All of us have the potential to become murderers, if the right buttons are pushed. What those buttons are, that is different for each person.

And lastly, you were shaped by your environment. You might not acknowledge it, but you were. Had you been raised in a different environment... frankly, you'd be a different person, for better or worse. A bad upbringing doesn't equal a bad person. Neither does a good upbringing equal a good person.

We are all individuals and the potential for "good and evil" is present in all of us. Whether we are "good or evil" is not a decision we make on our own. We do have choices, but the complete freedom you preach is an illusion, just as much as the illusion that none of our choices matter. It's all subjective, just like good and evil.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-30 03:54:53 » #1941712

"A bad upbringing doesn't equal a bad person. Neither does a good upbringing equal a good person. "

THIS. Not everyone who went on a school shooting was treated like crap, likewise not every person who does a lot of good in the world had a loving family.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-06-04 19:13:54 » #1963467

Poor Chara... who knows what really happened. Toby Fox probably didn't even consider Chara's past this much, but that what we are for.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-08-23 06:40:35 » #2008045

That's completely wrong, Anon. Toby Fox absolutely considered Chara beyond just being the villain. He's already made numerous statements on how Undertale is meant to be art just as much as it's meant to be a game.

3 Points Flag