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leatherhead93 commented at 2015-12-20 06:44:54 » #1868611

*shouldn't matter to an author


2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-20 07:35:39 » #1868620

what the fan considers to count toward "useful" are the battles, mostly against major opponents.
healing does not count toward being useful because it sideline the user, making them out of sight and out the action, which is very bad.

sakura, despite being considered one of the main characters, has one major battle : sasori (and arguably against ino in part 1).

thats as much as Darui, a side character.

this is a shonen! only battles count

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-20 18:12:36 » #1868873

I wont lie Sakura has her uses but as another person stated fighting isn't one of them, despite given this herculean strength shown in this gif. She's a MEDIC first and a fighter second. Yeah she may have healed a bunch of people and kept Naruto alive in the final fight but to be honest any other healer could have done that while Sakura played gaurd over him so the enemy wouldnt kill said healer but it didn't happen so people just write her off as useless. Had she done that maybe people wouldn't be so quick to call her useless.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-20 19:57:13 » #1868913

Since when was a field medic supposed to compare to two combat specialists in fighting ability? Sakura has her own specialty that Naruto and Sasuke can't even begin to compete with; her ability to heal and save lives. She was said to have surpassed Tsunade's Medical Prowess by the end of the series. She wasn't taught how to fight head on in the frontlines assault, but rather to dodge and escape from the battle, only hitting when necessary and making one hit count. Medics aren't supposed to engage the enemy, so it makes sense for her to sit out most battles. Stop trying to say she's weaker than Naruto and Sasuke, because she's a stronger medic than they'll ever be.

Is it fair to judge a fish's genius by how well it can climb trees?

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-20 20:03:53 » #1868918

Like in Fire Emblem Awakening, don't send a Cleric or Troubador into battle. It's a dumb move. Even War Clerics and Valkyries shouldn't be on the front lines unless it's an emergency.

3 Points Flag
Psajdak commented at 2015-12-21 10:28:55 » #1869285

Ummm... First of all, Sakura is my favorite character in Naruto seriee, although more because of anime version, but it's wrong to say that she was as equally important in series as Naruto, Kakashi, and Sasuke.

I read one really great description of Naruto series - amazing idea given to the wrong author.

Make no mistake, Sakura wasn't useless to the other characters, on contrary, but she became useless to the readers, she kinda showed promise during the start of Part 2, and in war, but...

IMO, Sakura's biggest problem was that she was a female, no matter main or supporting...

Females in Naruto are terrible characterwise - or rather Kishi never gave them much attention - maybe to Tsunade something worth mentioning.

Kurenai was oneshotted by Itachi, and became non-existent, Anko with so much potential got fat, Ino's biggest role was to become ninja telepohone, Hinata was Naruto's satellite (her anime version is better where she actually has contact with other characters), Karin was Karin (which is both good and bad since at least she was funny), and Tenten was just there - although Tenten in Rock Less spinoff is too awesome.

Another thing about Sakura, well, she simply wasn't included so much in overall plot, she had screentime, but it simply didn't felt like she was also center of story.

It's hard to notice how bad Naruto females are if you only watch Naruto, but, for instance when you compare them with females from Avatar and Korra series - especially characters such as Katara and Azula, or Korra...

That is how you make competent female characters.

Oh yeah, maybe also Konan was also decent, but even she was Nagato's satellite, and what's even more ridiculous barely had any bond with Jiraiya even though she also lived with him together for few years, and trained with him as her mentor.

2 Points Flag
leatherhead93 commented at 2015-12-21 20:28:13 » #1869499


You DO realize that Naruto at the end of the manga possessed Jesus level healing right? He managed to stop Might Guy from turning into complete dust after using the Eight Gates just by TOUCHING him. That's something Sakura and all her healing could never do. So yes in that regard she is overshadowed eventually there as well making your point extremely moot. Not to mention a lot more of those ninja army dudes would have been extra dead without Naruto's cloak.

3 Points Flag