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Anonymous commented at 2011-05-02 16:08:11 » #717487

For those who blame America, recall that Pokemon is strictly a series for kids in Japan and America.

3 Points Flag
The_Local_Otaku commented at 2011-08-13 04:30:05 » #845421

@ anon #717487 we aren't pissed off about them censoring for the kids, were pissed off in general.

EVERYTHING the US brings over gets a U-haul; hell some of the porn they bring over is so heavily censored that its unwatchable.

This is precisely the reason I buy my manga/anime untranslated. so i can enjoy it the way it was FIRST intended to be enjoyed. not the prune-ified version the hicks concoct to 'protect' their children who, by the way, wear shorts JUST like that in real life already.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-03-27 14:48:02 » #1291202

I hope you realize that Japanese porn in general is heavily censored in the first place. Just saying. lol

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-05-04 10:00:59 » #1314414

Sorry to turn your statement, but "moral majority" like you just called is in fact America, because here in South America we got a lot of series directly from japan that were not censored, the same in Europe, but when Pokemon appeared bought by 4kids, we got that version and it was censored, like many other animes, so yeah, it is America's fault.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-07-13 00:59:02 » #1358851

Japan always gets the good stuff

2 Points Flag