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XerBlade commented at 2011-03-26 12:48:42 » #669119

@Fewmets Dogs are sentient. I'm fairly sure the word you're looking for is sapient.

Also, your definition is a load of BS.

Just keep in mind that in the world of hentai bestiality is sex between an animal-like body and a human-like body, since appearance is everything in hentai.

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-08-12 18:47:14 » #844854

In the World of Hentai no one can hear you scream... BESTIALITY!!!

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-05-04 20:38:54 » #1063756

Holo is probably thinking to herself. "I'm going to kill you for this shepard girl."

8 Points Flag
Citizen_X commented at 2012-12-31 08:56:14 » #1235441

I seriously doubt about "Bestiality" there...

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-12 03:14:41 » #1338891

I dont know how anyone can think horo is a virgin, she's 1,000 years old and a wolf spirit. Ontop of that she's a fertility goddess. Calling a fertility goddess a virgin would be like calling your highschool prom king jock a virgin. It's just an insult and honestly makes no sense. It's an incredibly childish thing to hope and wish for, especially in this case.

She's also a wolf, as I said before, and they fuck. A LOT. There's evidence and scenes that suggest, rather blatantly, that horo fucked at least once before - the bowing to wolves scene comes to mind, as does her reaction to lawrence not being a giant bitch about it.

The "saving myself for special little snowflake" trait is an advent of self-insert and/or mary sue characters that allow watchers to easily put themselves in the MC's place.

She's not "damaged goods" cuz she fucks; the opposite actually. There's plenty of ancient mythos that have an ideology similar to "barren women lead to barren fields"

9 Points Flag