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KhightMare commented at 2016-02-29 07:24:49 » #1907151

Martial Arts everyone...

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-02-29 07:53:52 » #1907161

damn goku got his ass whipped.thats what he gets for underestimating his opponents.he of all characters should've known better.

5 Points Flag
Arrow6210 commented at 2016-02-29 12:22:28 » #1907252

this episodes animation was probably the worst so far. Like, holy shit. They didn't even try.

14 Points Flag
supersayinshogun commented at 2016-02-29 22:23:21 » #1907498

this is goku were talking about ... of course he underestimated him... because goku...

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-02-29 22:49:18 » #1907505

>> #1907498
I'm not sure if you're being ironic or not, but in case you're not, then please tell me when the HELL has Goku been known for underestimating his opponents before BoG/RoF/Super. Fucking WHEN?!

I know this comment is going to downvoted because apparently anyone doesn't suck Toriyama's dick nowadays gets downvoted/bashed, but come the fuck on. This whole Goku's "weakness" is underestimating his opponent crap is something he's making up ever since they decided to revive the franchise after the manga and original series ended.

If one actually stops fawning over Super for a minute and actually stops to recall the original series, they'd realize Goku has never been like this. He always takes his opponents seriously and with respect. Toriyama just recently decided to make up this whole underestimating crap because he wanted Goku to have a "fault" like Vegeta. But this has never been his character.

Now, you can all prceed to just downvote this comment like anything everything telling a truth you don't want to hear.

19 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-02-29 23:45:19 » #1907535

About Goku getting "whipped": Goku goes on to overpower Frost handily after this without even going SSGSS. Goku only loses the match when Frost uses a poison-like technique to incapacitate him first.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-03-01 00:58:56 » #1907564

I agree with you Anon Goku seems to be making some pretty novice mistakes for a vet fighter like himself. If anything I hope Vegeta shows him up guy needs a fight against a big bad opponent that doesn't need to be defeated by Goku or anyone related to him

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-03-01 03:13:57 » #1907600

Didn't Whis say that Goku's weakness was that he was too relaxed and let his guard down? What's that got to do with underestimating his opponents?

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-03-01 09:32:11 » #1907690

the fact that he chose to go super saiyan instead of super saiyan blue........thats underestimating.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-03-01 09:53:57 » #1907698

I believe Toriyama is not utilizing Dragon Ball Z nearly as much as trying to recapture the allure of Dragon Ball - before Raditz and perhaps even slightly before Piccolo vs. Goku. I don't say this to sound insulting, nor in favor of it. It's just an opinion. From where I see it, the mangaka did most everything he wanted to do given DBZ's direction and focus, and then went back to the roots of his series and began rebuilding from that viewpoint. The swell of comedy is everywhere by comparison to Z, but reminds me a lot of DB. I'm not sure it sits as well with some die hard Z fans because it's sort of hard to take the action as seriously. Toei's animation flaws don't help; we can say it's horrible or it's amazing, but if you compare it to many other anime out it falls short - unless you compare it to those of equal length (hopefully) in which case it's about equal to slightly sub-par in quality.

That all said, Goku's behavior reminds me a great deal of DB Goku and not at all like "Z" Goku. He isn't behaving like a veteran fighter. Why would Toriyama do that, if he's trying to present Goku as more of a novice in a multi-verse of more skilled fighters? In order to give him room to grow, he's got to make mistakes. It's the current plot device, but it's not entirely new for him; it's just cutting off Goku's development back to days where it made sense for him to need training; at the end of Dragon Ball Z, he was basically a Master, preparing to teach Uub, playing it knowingly and cryptically in the ways of Roshi or King Kai. That Goku didn't start this series off, and it's not only him. Everyone's been pushed back in personality, and we're now getting a glimpse of how it's going to pan out in the fights. If you were expecting Z, like I was, it's a huge shock.

Gone are the days of big muscles, long power-ups, and... it's more Dragon Ball: Super Kai than Dragon Ball Z: Super, if you see what I mean. Personally, I think ditching the plot sets of Z is a mistake, but hey, it's his work and when it lets me down, I just don't watch or read it. Either way, him getting stomped (literally) by Frost is just comical, and it's obvious that Toriyama is trying to give the spotlight away from Goku to different races, characters, and the humor of it all. If you look past the animation itself, this... could be the best thing to ever happen to Dragon Ball. Maybe?

5 Points Flag