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Anonymous commented at 2016-03-23 04:33:20 » #1919948

In retrospect, I realize Saito had piss-poor taste in women, in that show.

Louise beat the hell out of him, to put it simply. Doesn't help that she didn't look anywhere near as good as Tiffania, Siesta, or Henrietta, either.

18 Points Flag
leatherhead93 commented at 2016-03-23 06:35:18 » #1919980

Never understood why tsunderes almost always seem to win out over every other girl. It's pretty much like saying "Stay in your abusive relationship guys!".

21 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-03-23 06:43:59 » #1919982

Saito is honestly as bad as Louise, in a different way. I think they go well together, at least this way they leave the rest of the world in peace.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-03-23 06:47:42 » #1919987

Tsundere does not abuse you, she is just sharing her tsundere goodness with you

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-03-23 08:04:27 » #1920013

The only reason I was able to put up with this was because Saito was as bad as the dfc he fell for. At least he leaves the other, actually good-looking characters intact this way.

dfcfags -will- downvote this.

16 Points Flag
VincentD commented at 2016-03-23 08:43:06 » #1920027

Strictly speaking, Saito only had piss-poor taste in women in the anime. It was eventually explained in the light novel the series was adapted from that the contract that Louise forced on him basically brainwashed him so that his whole world revolved around Louise. Not only did it force him to essentially idolize her regardless of how abusive she got (and, believe it or not, her violence was actually toned DOWN a little for the anime), it also completely and totally suppressed any feelings for his home he had.

Didn't you ever find it strange that, despite being magically kidnapped and then regularly abused for minor or imagined slights, Saito never once thought about going home? He was magically compelled to serve Louise to the exclusion of all else and, at one point when their contract gets broken, everything hits him all at once, he goes near comatose from it, and ends up absolutely unloading absolutely every grievance he had on Louise. Of course, by that time, he had a healthy dose of Stockholm Syndrome, so they got together anyway, which is why the series still sucks from a romance point of view, but I wouldn't necessarily say Saito has poor taste in women... Or, at least, not only.

27 Points Flag
lordroticiv commented at 2016-03-23 13:07:03 » #1920129

This is a problem in most harem animes. tsundere or abusive girls get the guys because they were in the first episode. Simply put. And while it sucks Saito ended up with Louise because of her power of Main Character, more girls were drawn to him thus increasing the fanservice. All these hot girls make it acceptable that the Main Girl is a sadist

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-03-23 13:41:27 » #1920151

Tsunderes in general aren't a problem but rather just how much tsun there is compared to the dere. Not all tsunderes are "abusive" much less to Louise's extreme levels though and those that do seem "abusive" are usually completely over-the-top purely for comedic value and not meant to be taken that seriously.

Someone like Louise has her tsun cranked up to freaking thirty while here dere is only something like two (all out of ten). She is definitely a lesson in how NOT to do a tsundere female.

A GOOD tsundere female is someone like Rin Tohsaka of the Fate series where she is endearing, cute, and likable whether she's being tsun OR dere while showing a good balance of both.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-03-23 21:31:52 » #1920354

It's funny because I still remember back in the day Type-Moon fanboys would swear up and down that Rin was NOT a tsundere and now she's considered an archetype of the character.

Fandom in general does take tsundere characters way too seriously, though. A long time ago I used to hang out on fanfiction.net and you couldn't make a mouse-wheel spin without running into five stories about some harem protagonist going emo and trying to kill himself because he was "mistreated" or all the other members of the cast losing their shit on the tsundere character. I even wrote some stories lampooning it.

0 Points Flag
leatherhead93 commented at 2016-03-24 08:18:58 » #1920629

I can kind of see where they coming from though to be honest considering men are proven to suffer from domestic abuse more so than women and it simply touches those buttons. Personally that's kind of why I liked what Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun did with this dynamic. They not only reversed the roles (so the male was the overreacting tsundere) but made the girl in the situation look mostly male as well who simply craved the attention of her senpai (hence why she'd get herself in trouble on purpose sometimes). Not saying this is the first show to do something like that but it's refreshing. Yet interestingly enough you'd still see hypocritical assholes saying it's messed up for a guy to hit a women like that yet they saying NOTHING when the reverse happens. If your going to use comedy as an excuse gender shouldn't matter imo. It's rare for male characters to ever punch back and deliver the same slapstick assault to tsunderes. That's probably why I like shows that make them on an even playing field where the guy isn't afraid to slap some sense into the girl for doing something dumb herself.

On a personal note though I kind of don't want to turn my brain off when it comes to anime relationships. I just don't see the logic in choosing someone who would punch me for shit that I didn't do or overreact to every little thing. Tsunderes exist purely in the realm of fiction and aren't people that most would chose to hang around in real life. And yes they the over the top nature is supposed mirror how some women can act but GREATLY exaggerated to be funny but I seriously just see how people can even laugh at the same kind of jokes made with this kind of character that have been done to death for literally DECADES now. You see tons of shows these days acting all self aware (or indicating metaness) and actually pointing out someone being a tsundere like that somehow makes it ok for them to shove another copy/pasted character in our faces. The fact you can barely find a harem show where they don't exist is rather annoying.

1 Points Flag