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Anonymous commented at 2016-03-31 01:52:14 » #1924774

I'll say it.
I liked the XIII series.

Sure it wasn't the best ever, but I enjoyed it.

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-03-31 04:25:33 » #1924873

I understood the plots of all the FF games but FFXIII remains a complete mystery to me. I still don't understand why or how anything happens in that game. I don't understand why three games were necessary.

I don't understand why the third game ended with just random nonsense and a total slap to the face for all Final Fantasy fans with the world being destroyed and recreated(by just wishing really hard) to be our modern day Earth. Protip: people play fantasy games to get away from reality, not to be reminded of it. I still don't understand why FF games are getting more realistic with actual product placement (COLEMAN) when people play these games for the FINAL F A N T A S Y.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-03-31 15:42:10 » #1925163

I don't understand why they're all called Final Fantasy when they have no connection to each other, other than that they have the same developer. That's just lazy man come on. As well as confusing

0 Points Flag
Ryuyuki commented at 2016-03-31 16:25:10 » #1925180

Why is it so confusing? They don't need to be connected to share the same title.

Look at the TV series the Twilight Zone. The basis of that show was to showcase various standalone stories with their own independent storytelling completely apart from one another, the only thing linking each episode was the theme they had in common in that they told bizarre tales.

Final Fantasy does much the same, it's just a format of publishing those stories.

My personal opinion on XIII is that the trilogy was terrible. The first one was barely ok once you got into more of the open world aspects and got to explore some. The second one lost me completely because they turned around and disposed of the whole party dynamic, most of the group basically just being cameos in their own game. The third was just way off the rails of where the game should have gone, hardly even recognizable as an RPG anymore.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-02 20:56:11 » #1926413

What is the music from? I know I've heard it before but I can't put my finger on it. It's driving me crazy.

0 Points Flag
Zalensto commented at 2016-04-02 23:33:31 » #1926481

@Anon #1926413 Half-Life 2, near the end of ravenholm, one of the more creepy peaces of music ever composed

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-25 09:52:26 » #1956576

The 3 XIII's were the only ones I played, and I didn't think they were that confusing. And I certainly have no idea how you think it was 'realistic', the whole thing is fantasy sci fi nonsense lol.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-10-17 04:25:54 » #2035088

I like the xiii series. I understand why people would have some hate towards it. (Because let's be honest, most of those haters are the ones saying that the series sucked after X.) But I personally liked it. But it has me wonder, if another company came up with the idea first. Were the XIII series labeled as another game and not Final Fantasy, would it be a more success?

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-11-25 05:33:36 » #2054073

Ive said this before and I'll say it again people just hate "change" I used to see ppl crying over FFX when it was the latest game, but now its being praised b/c X-2 wasn't what they expected it to be storywise although the gameplay overall succeeded. Then ppl hated 12 b/c turnbase was completely gone. XIII had the same treatment plus its story issues. The problem is that gamers are stuck in the past and let nostalgia take over the the enjoyment of a new title. Which is why most people will never be satisfied. I'm talking about the folks who always compare a new game to older successful ones. If you are going to do that... then why the hell are you still buying newer titles?

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-01-17 17:59:17 » #2082993

Lightning Returns made me fap so hard with Lightning and her garbs ^^;

0 Points Flag