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Anonymous commented at 2016-04-07 23:01:13 » #1929166

Anyone can say episode name?

1 Points Flag
inky commented at 2016-04-07 23:04:54 » #1929169

I scrolled down expecting comments about this gif being sexually suggestive, but instead got a discussion about character growth and relationships in the Pokemon anime.

Only on this site am I right?

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-07 23:12:10 » #1929174

Fun fact: Serena is the only travel companion to actually have a romantic interest in Ash, so all the talk about him "moving onto a new chick" as if it's something that's happened before makes no sense, unless you mean that in an entirely platonic sense and are equally broken up about him "moving onto a new bro."

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-07 23:18:19 » #1929178

Other possibility:
Ash sails/flies on to the Sun and Moon arc and Serena (in her obsession) sneaks onto the boat/plane, becoming a stalker that follows him throughout the series. Ash will finally beat the Elite Four, only to realize that the champion is Serena, whom was waiting for him...

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-08 00:18:45 » #1929201

Satoshi and Serena are ♥ couple and the new heroes together travel in new region and Kanto.
Jotho -> Kanto
New Region (Sun and Moon) -> Kalos -> Kanto
Kanto <=> Kalos
Kalos <=> Kanto

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-08 09:41:13 » #1929336

I surfed through Bulbapedia to try and find this. An upcoming episode featured a pic of some rocker dude and a fairly badass Pikachu called "Serena becomes Satoshi." I'm guessing the plot is that Ash gets sick and Serena battles for him. I actually wanted to see an episode just like that but never thought they'd make one. Awesome!

1 Points Flag
MyPitah commented at 2016-04-08 09:57:49 » #1929346

We've seen past heroines go alongside Ash for more than one region before, even do so alongside newer heroines. Why not start now ? Serena and Ash with a new hero from the new region tagging along, why not ?

Then again, maybe i'm just hoping too much...

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-08 21:23:08 » #1929633


You're not alone. It'd be an amazing development for the series to have Serena become a secondary main character who could grow alongside Ash during their travels.

Oh, but who are we kidding? We're asking for the moon here... ª_ª

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-08 22:53:42 » #1929670

@ #1929633
I say go ahead and ask for the moon. Heck, were gonna get the Moon AND the Sun come gen 7.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-09 05:37:43 » #1929810

satoshi unexpectedly got games! Kasumi, Chikorita, Moe, Lila, Hikari, Aoi, Kotone, Serena and Millefeui had or has feelings for him! Satoshi really need to realize he's a true player and grow up!

2 Points Flag