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keita-kuhn commented at 2016-04-18 15:53:23 » #1935223


Son, have you ever read Rumiko Takahashi stuff? Just look at Inuyasha, you got all the dumb harem antics without any of the harem!

>Inuyasha walks in on changing/bathing Kagome
>gets slapped of "Sit boy"d
>Miroku has two gags involving hitting on women

Same shit, different era. While I was joking about it going back as far as Tezuka (though he did have some really questionable one-shots, like the race car driver who raced with a blow-up doll), it has been around since at the very latest, Go Nagai's early career.

Shit like Hundred is obnoxious because it's something we've seen a thousand times before. Goes back to at the earliest I can think of, Ranma. Hell, to say it is a 'modern' thing is a bit wrong, since I even recall Fullmetal Alchemist 2003 doing it, with that one Thief in the water town.

Hundred? It is bad because it is no different from any other show of its kind, beyond the skin. Change the designs with Infinite Stratos, Asterisk, or nearly any other 'Battle Academy' Light Novel adaptation, you'll get the same results

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-26 08:51:46 » #1939533

We're not talking about fanservice IN anime we're talking about anime that is nothing BUT fanservice. We know fanservce has always been there but MOST anime that come out now revolve around it and toss the story in the shitter just to peddle the fanservice. At least back then when there was fanservice is was for a small gag, fast forward to now and it's nothing but blatant money grubbing to the point where it's ruining the industry.

Read a little closer next time, kiddo!

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-26 08:56:07 » #1939535

It's not a joke, you douchebag, and if you're going to quote something I (anon2) said then at least pay closer attention. I said "harem" anime. There were one or two back then but now every new anime is a harem anime. Then you go on to talk about how Hundred is obnoxious for being just another fanservice anime-- that is what we were already talking about! You're literally recycling stuff we've already established. Don't shit on my comment then say basically the same fucking thing!

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-26 09:06:29 » #1939540

Keita-kuhn is missing the point entirely then saying the same stuff. You can't deny anime used to be better. Even in the fan service series you named the story and characters were good. People remember Inuyasha and Ranma, but people will never remember the garbage anime that are fan service and noting else. Fan service needs to be very scarce and when it becomes the sole focus and it happens constantly then it becomes an issue. Sadly a good deal of new anime are all tits and ass than memorable characters and stories anymore.

3 Points Flag
keita-kuhn commented at 2016-05-02 14:50:46 » #1943103

@Anon #1939540

You're missing the point. My point is that anime like this has always existed since the fucking 70s. I used those examples because they are the ones everyone knows. Much like how Hundred will be in a year's time, the ones that I could cite are forgotten for years until someone forgets to bring them up.

Hell, look at a lot of those really bad 90s OVAs that nobody remembers that sold themselves on being super violent or having tits. Somehow, you focus on this era because of a harem that's copying Infinite Stratos as a show to generalize anime in this day and age? Grow the fuck up, this season alone if you ignore sequels/second seasons, this season we have 5 shows that are about character interactions ; Kiznaiver, Tanaka-kun, flying witch, Joker Game and Mayoiga (the last of these is terrible). We have several shows about style > substance, like Sakamoto, Bungou Stray Dogs and Boku no Hero Academia.

We even have some (bad) original stuff if you want to go in that direction, like Endride. And this is also if we ignore shorts, second seasons, sequels and the like.

We have plenty of shows, and you zero in on the show that literally nobody gives a shit about and the show that everyone is predicting to tank harder than anything else, as somehow representative of modern anime? Take off the rose glasses and stop being deluded. If you were to pick something to strawman as 'everything wrong with modern anime' you could zone in on Kabaneri, which is continuing WIT's tradition of trying to recapture Attack on Titan's success, or look at Big Order which is a far more obnoxious trend of protagonists being edgelord anti-heroes like you would see on Fanfiction.net

Also, that's funny when you called the story and characters in Ranma and Inuyasha good. I too, loved having to watch 200 episodes of someone being useless because of bees and repeating the exact same formula of "Naraku has a barrier! We must upgrade Tetsusaiga by killing a demon! Where is Naraku? Oh no, he has a new barrier!"

Oh, or how about how Ranma kept having new fiance's introduced and it was just fights that devolved into boob jokes at Akane's expense and how hot Female Ranma was, while exploiting the failed romantic non-eucilidean geometric shape that the show's relationships were in, while Ranma nad his dad ALMOST get cured of the curse, or Pantyhose Taro almost beats the old man who named him, or Akane and Ranma almost finally confess to each other.


I repeat: Same shit, different era. Only difference is, Ranma and Inuyasha knew how to keep people interested while being new for the time, while Hundred blends into a sea of sameness.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-03 07:37:22 » #1943476

You are such a douchebag. Please be quiet now.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-03 07:44:28 » #1943480

You're such a delusional prick if you think new age stuff like Hundred or any other anime like it can stand up to the older anime. While the Rumiko Takahashi series aren't the pinnacle of anime they were still examples of how this genre of anime should be done because they're still better than what comes out now.

I'd argue with you but it's clear you're some arrogant troll who has some diehard point to make that, at the end of the day, no one will give two shits about. So I'm not going to waste any more time than I already have. You shit on others' opinions then we'll shit on yours-- it'll go on for quite some time.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-03 07:47:54 » #1943481

If you're going to make an argument keita, you shouldn't start off with a generalization like "Anime was always fanservice shit". Anime is too broad of a thing to just sum up like that. That would be like saying all music is an ear-rapey autotuned nightmare. It's really not a good way to get others on your side.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-03 07:49:33 » #1943482

Calling someone's opinion a "joke" when it's backed by several others isn't a good way to get people on your side either.

3 Points Flag