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MyPitah commented at 2016-04-14 04:39:58 » #1932751

Twix : it's fine if it's how you felt it (who downvotes him by the way ? his post is constructive, don't downvote posts to censor opinions different than yours, guys !) but the story fact is even at the end of the 4th war there is no love spark what so ever from Naruto to Hinata. For all he knows, he will as well remain a virgin for life at this point with his Sakura failures. We would not know better either, if not for the last 2 movies, the epilogue, and the coming new series.

However, the way I see it, the drama part here is not about loosing love. It's about loosing a friend. You could have put Shino of all people in her place, Naruto's reaction would have been the exact same : infuriated by loosing a friend who sacrificed himself trying to save him to the point of loosing himself. In fact it happenned again later (when Neji died), except with different consequences as Kurama had changed his relation with Naruto at that point. Naruto grew up as a lonely child who sufferred a great deal to get each and every friend he's eventually acquired, so loosing even a single one takes dramatic proportions in his mind and heart. If that friend is one of his core close friends ? That's even worse.

@Anon_Perv : indeed, and yet it was actually not too bad, specially compared to the animations in the following fight : Kyubi VS Pain. Never ever should we say a rushed animation with 2-cents effects to give the failed illusion of something is horrible (bad, yes, but not horrible) as it won't ever compete with the animations of that fight and its cartoony speed effects... I even stopped keeping up with the show for a while and stuck to the manga version because of that fight.

12 Points Flag
Twix07 commented at 2016-04-14 14:07:11 » #1932945

MyPitah: I understand very well the "friend lost" aspect of this moment. But the thing I don't like It's how It's done. If Hinata used a body just to block a lethal blow from Pain, It'll be kinda good but here, she threw herself into a suicidal move to tell to Naruto she's selfish, made a confession about she's ready to die for him and showed him this fact....
It gives me the feel she didn't do that to protect Naruto, but to tell him she wants to protect him. It was a selfish move than a sacrifice in my opinion.

And since this moment, Hinata was highlighted as hell during the 4th war. It was ridiculous in my opinion...

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-14 14:39:24 » #1932964

Anon_Perv: art=/=animation, the movement was very fluid. Some of Japan's best animators did some cuts. (webgen animators like Shingo Yamashita) The art didn't bother me, I guess I can see why someone wouldn't like it.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-23 23:19:32 » #1955857

No, Naruto never really had a story to begin with. He wanted to become Hokage for no other reason than "just because I am super awesome" or some other crap. From first being introduced Hinata was shown to be the only girl that like Naruto from day one. So what happened at the end was basically: Naruto grew up and realized that his dream to become the Hokage was just the dream of his childself, and as such just a childish dream that was crap. In the end what really mattered to him were his friends. Oh and for some reason he suddenly fell in love with Hinata.

The real issue with the story isn't the ending or the original series... the problem is that it was pulled off extremely badly and that the rest of the series was total crap.

Take Hinata for instance. She started off as a character that had potential, but instead of actually being important and actually growing stronger etc, she was basically less than a side-character until the end where all of a sudden she got promoted to "child factory".
But this really didn't have to be the case. From the start her character design wasn't THAT bad -- at least she looked better than Sakura... and from the start she showed potential of being a really creepy yandere stalker.
Now Imagine if this had actually been the case? Imagine her being competent and that how she dressed and wore her hair actually was stylish and looked good... now imagine her being a creepy yandere blood lusting stalker that happens to constantly level up in strength... I'm talking about Mary Sue levels.
But Mary Sues are bad riiight? Yes they are; but when making a crazy yandere a bit of a Mary Sue as far as power go, somehow she actually becomes interesting strangely enough.
So Hinata COULD have become a really interesting character ... but she did not.

Of course they didn't create even one interesting and cool female character in the series. (well Maybe Hinata's younger sister?)

Then again, not a single character in the series was interesting or good so the fact that non of the females were either is just how things go I guess.

The hell was the show about anyway? Idiot ninja training so that they can be hired and do crap nobody cares about and then fight other ninja.
The series is so bad that I can't even remember if there were some real governments or shogunate or something or if it was just ninja villages ruling the land and fighting one another.

11 Points Flag