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Anonymous commented at 2016-10-21 02:40:27 » #2037176

I borrowed MN9 just for trying it... and...
...I have to talk about something, that almost no one bothered to notice, since the critics are mainly bashing the blandness of the game, its delays, the 4 millions dollars waste and the ridiculously long credits (4 HOURS!):
The writing, as we know, is almost on par with the Sonichu comic for some and just idiotic for the others.
But the worst glaring flaws are... the protagonist itself and his hypocritical creator... Hear me out.
For what I understand about in this game:
Beck is never shown to have some challenges or problems in his path. He always wins everything. He's loved by everyone: The Mighties, the scientists, the world... but...
The villain? Nope. Why? It's never explained. He doesn't even confront the main character directly...
And he's quickly tossed away from the story anyways.
It's just for the sake of plot convenience, you know. No one should dislike your valiant hero.
That is immediatly proving that he's a bland gary-stu right on the go. A crap self-inserted character.
Oh, I almost omitted how cringy the dialogues (Dr. Professor Sir!) and the repeated lines (YOU'RE THE CHOSEN ONE AND ONLY) are lame and childish...
You really wonder sometimes if you didn't just played Inafune's OC fanfiction.
Even the pointless MN9 defenders doesn't like him, by the way. They don't even bother when someone insult the character directly on the forums. So...
Now his creator, Dr. White: A fucking narcissistic asshole, who rejected his own father for petty reasons (His father doesn't approve his UNSTABLE cell-based technology and his decision to give total freewill to robots) and... basically created all the trouble and misery IN THE GAME! This guy is even more despicable than his stupid, destructive creations.
TL;DR: The scenario is looking like it's from a spastic 12-years old.
So, to conclude that rant...
Until something else happens, this franchise is truly dead. A sequel is VERY unlikely.
P.S: It takes all the platforms currently available, to have a petty 68 000 of sales at best. Inafune doesn't get any of the money, even from the STEAM sales. He's utterly failed his project. :(

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-01-25 18:38:51 » #2087072

Can't say I heard much good about Mighty Number Nope, but Shantae did great! I can only recommed the new release, it fits right in with the previous games, solid gameplay and great music. Art is also amazing, no complaints here.

1 Points Flag