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chess1212 commented at 2016-07-08 11:16:00 » #1982834

-_- I didn't know Saitama is more popular than these guys. Iron Man or Superman have a good chance of beating him on their own.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-08 11:30:30 » #1982840

Didn't tentacle telekinesis guy just throw rocks or something? He wasn't even on the level of Tatsumaki and I don't recall anyone attacking Saitama's mind although his fortitude to stick to his training regiment might have built up his mental defenses even though he's average intelligence at best. Don't really see why he can't get instantly lobotomized by Supes or just mind-wiped by a Cerebro enhanced Xavier. There's also Franklin Richards who just alters reality to suit his needs and I'm thinking he wants Home team advantage or Scarlet Witch who does something similar with probabilities. Or how about a speedster who can turn back time? As I recall, Saitama wasn't always invincible.

There's really a ton of ways to work around this guy if you really think about it. These characters have been around for longer than most people living right now, they've been deconstructed, analyzed, developed and evolved countless times. Nothing is impossible or certain.

5 Points Flag
MyPitah commented at 2016-07-08 11:44:43 » #1982848

I confirm, we have yet to see any character in One-punch man use telepathy for combat purposes. Telekinesis, yes, but not telepathy, it's only been used for communication. So all in all we don't know about Saitama's natural mental protection. Although my guess is that he's as strong there as in every other aspect.

Which brings me to think actually Batman is the one that has the best shot at taking Saitama down. No, not by strength, speed, or anything, but simply by talking and boring him to death. If Saitama has to have any weakness, that would be it. And we all know Batman first observes and analyzes before really striking. :)

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-09 03:35:55 » #1983282

I think you're all forgetting that he's made to have no limits at all, whereas every hero except Superman all have limits. Superman has weaknesses though, but I believe he could win since it was shown that Saitama can't breath in space.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-09 15:14:51 » #1983528

Superman could take Saitama without much trouble, Iron Man has a shot at winning if he has time to prepare, Batman would just pull his anti-Saitama spray out of his belt, and Captain America would harness the power of sheer red-white-and-blue-blooded patriotism to win after getting kicked around a bit, like he always does.

7 Points Flag
MyPitah commented at 2016-07-14 11:00:00 » #1986049

Actually, Superman does have limits : self-imposed limits, mental blocks due to the trauma he went through during the few seconds when he learned his origin. That's why he's been in trouble with foes early in his heroic career that he could later deal easily, he had learned to push further his mental blocks since then. Saitama, on the other hand, also has no physical limit but has no mental block either, that's why he does not really have to make any effort

My guess is, against Saitama and in a pure brawl contest, Superman would be knocked down again, and again, and again. Saitama would not really be able to kill Superman but still knock him out for quite some time with each blow, since he would overwhelm watever mental block level Superman would be at the time. If Superman starts using his head and tries to throw Saitama out of orbit, Saitama can still come back even without the help of the moon, simply by using the reaction force : he just would have to blow his air in the opposite direction with enough force.

As far as physical prowess go, Superman would still be the best adversary Saitama would face among those depicted here, but still not enough. Thus that's why i mentionned Batman talking and boring Saitama to death being probably the only way Saitama could lose this fight...

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-16 18:52:59 » #1987171

Superman can remove his mental blocks whenever he chooses. He doesn't do that often, though, because then he'd be a threat to whatever planet he's on.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-19 03:24:56 » #1988468

The easiest way for anyone to beat Saitama is to throw into space or some other zero-gravity/air free zone. Going by the battle with Boros, Saitama needs to breath and he can't flight. Boros was unlucky that Saitama landed on the moon.

Superman can easily take enough of Saitama's hits to drag him to space, or even just punch him hard enough to do so and can continue to battle him until his air runs out.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-19 06:19:57 » #1988571

You all need to move out of the basement and get girlfriends.
Stuff like this is really really sad...

1 Points Flag
MyPitah commented at 2016-07-25 02:45:25 » #1992254

Superman cannot remove his mental blocks, don't confuse removing mental blocks and retaining control over abilities. If he could remove his mental blocks whenever he could he would have done so outside of any battle years ago, and would have become not only impossible to beat, but also capable of deep space flight unassisted, something he has not been able to do in several incarnations. He would also not have been even fazed the slightest by Doomsday, just tossing him aside instead. The fact is, mental blocks are psychologic in nature, that's why he has to push them whenever he needs to tap into more of his power to overcome an ennemy. Once a mental block is pushed further he still has access to his increased power, but that does not mean he'll blow up the planet, he still has control. For instance, you can tell the difference of power between Superman in his 90s animated series, which depicted his early career, and his power in Justice League, which depicted him few years later. The former would have had a serious time dealing with Captain Atom's red sun radiation attacks, instead of the latter being delayed but still just feeling them as simply annoying.

As for Saitama thrown into space, you forget something : the air in Saitama's lungs. That's what i mentionned earlier : Saitama, if he missed the moon against Boros, would just have had to blow his own air with enough force while his back was facing the earth, to be pushed towards the earth in reaction. And that's only if Saitama has nothing to push against, like say, a superman... Sure, Superman can survive Saitama's hits, but easily taking him to drag him ? Not so sure, they are still strong enough to send him flying too after all.

All in all, as far as actual power go, Saitama VS Superman would be a draw as long as the planet remained. Saitama would not be stupid enough to blow it up and Superman would not resort to that either. However, Saitama would still have a bit of an edge because of Superman's mental blocs meaning he would still feel the pain inflicted by Saitama's attacks, not vice versa. More or less the stereotype of the unstoppable force (Saitama) VS the never giving up heroic kid always getting back up (Superman).

Thus, Superman can't actually win this properly. Really, the only real guys depicted here that can defeat Saitama (and probably easily) would be Batman, not with gadgets let alone physical prowess, but with smart wits by boring Saitama to death. After all, outside of his physical prowess, Saitama is bland to the point he sucks epicness out of others. But what if his opponent plays bland instead ? Sounds like the beast spear would meet the best shield to me. ;)

3 Points Flag