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invrl commented at 2023-07-01 01:14:48 » #2814521

This is tagged as "Banjo" but I don't think it is. Banjos don't have sound holes on the head. I believe Mountain Banjos (specifically those modeled after Frank Proffitt) have a sound hole but it's on the back but I don't own one so I'm not too sure. I believe gourd banjos usually have sound holes too but I'm pretty sure they're on the sides (this would change with each luthier). The Open-Back banjo technically has a giant sound hole on it's back but it doesn't on the front. And I believe that the resonator banjo doesn't have any holes except for the resonator part itself. So I'm not aware of any banjo category that this instrument would go in. Not to mention that it has six strings, the mark of a Banjitar. Problem being Banjitars mimmick the head of a banjo so it can get the sound. It doesn't have a thumb string either, the defining mark of a multi-stringed Banjo vs a Banjitar. So I don't think it's a banjo or a banjitar, that being said I don't actually know what instrument this is. To me it looks like an acoustic guitar with a weird body. I'm not sure if the artist was trying to make a banjo but one last thing I noticed is that the instrument's fretboard here goes over the head of the instrument. Banjo's don't do this, Banjos go inside the instrument with either a long piece of wood or a metal pole that usually secures itself to the other side. If anybody could identify this instrument that'd be great.

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