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Anonymous commented at 2016-07-29 03:27:35 » #1994346

Gonna NEED the sauce, my life depends on it!

20 Points Flag
britbastard commented at 2016-07-29 04:08:38 » #1994370

I added the source for you.

8 Points Flag
PKKP commented at 2016-07-29 05:51:55 » #1994395

Need source for research purpose only ... *cough*

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-29 08:52:06 » #1994462

That jock was terrible but that ass is damn fine.

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-29 08:52:23 » #1994463

Joke* fucking hell.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-08-02 20:23:28 » #1997064


5 Points Flag
Dragonmaster61 commented at 2016-08-05 02:43:15 » #1998410

Does she even have to cosplay to do this...

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-08-28 05:14:58 » #2010567

The bump on that wall was quite intense tho...

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-09-24 04:33:08 » #2284143

Her asshole... it is staring at me.
For a moment I felt not only watched, but judged by the brown eye's cold, unfaltering gaze. And then I saw myself, sitting there, staring back at -me- with eyes bereft of any thought, dumbfounded like a retardate seeing the rain trickle down a window pane for the first time in his life, and it was then that I realized, for only a moment, the immense pointlessness of my existence, the illusions of meaning, purpose, hopes and dreams all stripped away by that eldritch abyss' glare.
I came back to my senses, noticing the oppressive silence of the night, while that ass, completely abstracted from any humanity, just a thing to me, like a lewd drawing or maybe a coffee mug, was still getting mechanically, hypnotically pounded. In and in and in and in.
It was then that I really understood the absurdity of it all. That I could either nut and feel guilty or just kill myself, neither choice mattered. So I decided to shoot. I was so detached from my reality, I probably could have juiced at a funeral, or while doing a crossword. None of these would have mattered, either.
I got up, made myself a coffee, sat down at my desk, and went back into incognito mode, which I had naively closed after the last session.

14 Points Flag
paroles commented at 2019-08-23 04:12:07 » #2426130

A girl that needs sex so much that she uses a machine should live next door to me. I would help her as often as I could & yes she does have a beautiful inviting asshole.

0 Points Flag