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Anonymous commented at 2016-09-11 22:40:28 » #2018132

Lets hope this will completely save the Sonic franchise after several years of shameful displays (Sonic 06/Sonic Boom) or if it flops, it be almost impossible to recover.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-09-11 23:32:30 » #2018153

Those were two games. Did people forget that Colors and Generations exist?

Unleashed was also freaking great, despite it being held back by the sub-par Werehog levels. Sonic's in a good place now; Sonic Mania isn't Sonic's "savior". It's bound to be an amazing game, though, and hopefully one that will make people like the franchise again.

Because apparently they forget that Colors and Generations exist.

18 Points Flag
ViperVice commented at 2016-09-12 02:01:21 » #2018210

"Lets hope this will completely save the Sonic franchise"

Same song and dance man

So many games have been regarded as saving the franchise only for Sega to completely forget the point of what they're trying to do and instead start making nostalgia a saling point. Mania will do things for the franchise but not the over glorified way people envision.

7 Points Flag
realgundam commented at 2016-09-12 20:55:25 » #2018675

Oh my God, that nose physics~ so bouncy

3 Points Flag
heliosleinheart commented at 2016-09-13 03:52:00 » #2018823

Sonic gained his weight back!

0 Points Flag
KhightMare commented at 2016-09-15 12:45:55 » #2019990

I have always and will forever love Sonic.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-09-15 12:51:56 » #2019995

Sonic is dead. It's been dead for years. Nothing will bring it back. The only thing a "successful" game will accomplish is a fresh new wave of deviantart "original character donut steal"

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-09-15 12:57:07 » #2019998

Good call on Sega, actually.
Give the team responsible for the really good ports of Sonic CD and 1 & 2 a chance to make their own game.

They were originally making fangames before working for Sega anyway.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-11-02 19:42:38 » #2043689

The Sonic series is doing well actually. Sonic Boom flopped in sales but it didn't matter much because the marketing push sold the merchandise and the show has been well received and just began season 2. If you go online, people may speak ill or in favor of the series, but for those of you who think the detractors can kill the franchise, don't. Sonic has a huge fan following and name calling isn't going to take anything away from that.

1 Points Flag