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Brendon commented at 2016-10-01 12:05:13 » #2027575

That is the weirdest fetish I've ever seen

20 Points Flag
runner50 commented at 2016-10-01 20:44:35 » #2027751

Decisions, decisions, which one to cut down and use first.

24 Points Flag
nocruoro1 commented at 2016-10-02 02:39:29 » #2027846

Ho anyone can actually like this is beyond me. Anyone twisted enough to fap to dead corpse scene is clearly in need of proper guidance, including the artist.

20 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-10-02 07:55:21 » #2027940

What's your fucking problem you two!?

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-10-06 19:17:03 » #2029909

If you are a veteran of the internet and the thought of necrophilia creeps you out, then you haven't dug deep enough. We are all on these booru's for inevitably the same reasons, at least if we are searching this stuff. If it's not your cup of tea then that's great, but there is obviously a market for it and an interest. Does that mean that everyone who is into guro or corpse fucking is going to be some sociopathic murderer/morgue ransacker? No, not in the least. Something that people need to realize is that the fetish doesn't make the man/woman, it is simply a part of their character. It's an interest like anything else, only a sexual one. It does not make them automatically depraved just because it may explore an unorthodox or immoral context.

28 Points Flag
nocruoro1 commented at 2016-10-17 19:35:39 » #2035422

My only problem is that this ype of porn is sickening. Maybe i was harsh..but the very sight of one of my favourite series, and seeing this type of artwork really got me in a bad mood when had my guard down. I'm fully aware of how guro, vore and scat can actually be worse for legitimate reasons. Just i got the bad feels.

9 Points Flag
Brendon commented at 2016-12-27 16:09:38 » #2071568

That wasn't an objective affirmation, I just said my personal feelings about this pic, that's all; stop feeling butthurted for nothing.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-06-21 03:06:38 » #2251054

Nothing is better than torturing, raping, hearing them scream and struggle and seeing their life drain out their bodies.

4 Points Flag
Brendon commented at 2019-06-30 02:31:45 » #2401303

Anon2 guro is not a fetish, is a mental illness. If you like these things (as well as loli porn, which is technically pedo) you should probably talk about it with a doctor.

1 Points Flag
Smashnloli commented at 2019-11-01 19:08:59 » #2453197

Brendon you are on a fucking porn site for fucking hentai on the fucking internet. Guro IS in FACT a fetish and not everyone who is into goes around murdering people I live a completely normal life but guess what I sometime go look at gore not to jerk of but because I like to see that shit it makes me wonder. Now am I out killing everyone I fucking see? No I'm not. Now if you don't like this shit there is a fucking BLACKLIST option for a fucking reason stop purposely going to these fucking things just to shame people for what they are into YOU. PATHETIC. SENSITIVE. ASS. BITCH.

5 Points Flag