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Ingenuity commented at 2009-10-26 17:30:35 » #138769

In Pokemon games Silver/Gold/Crystal you fight Ash in the end. His Pikachu shows a "male" symbol. The Smash Pikachu, I think, is probably the same Pikachu we all know & love.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-06-22 23:55:32 » #341877

anon3, and ash's pikachu has a normal tail, females have dents in their tails so they look like hearts.

1 Points Flag
facelesskitsune commented at 2010-10-09 11:09:53 » #466119

it has to be ashes pikachu
it was a selling point in the first game and everything else pokemon has ever tried to do
pikachu was and is the mascot

1 Points Flag
Fewmets commented at 2010-11-03 16:54:06 » #493850

Pikachu is not Pokemons mascot... nub... he's had 3 games dedicated to him out of what? 14? 15?,,, He's the mascot of the TV show yeah, but not the series.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-23 07:40:59 » #783111

Actually for a short time word of god claimed Ash's pikachu was female but this was changed because the having female pokemon crush on pikachu became plot convenient.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-12-05 04:59:50 » #943318

Actually, Anon4, you CAN see its tail. The part that's notched on female Pikachu is clearly not notched, making this a male Pikachu.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-04-22 18:03:25 » #1055483

... People need to draw more Samus and Pikachu relationships. Cause there all fucking hot!

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-11-18 18:12:17 » #1206225

Though my reply to you is a bit late, Anon8, let me just get this straight and then I'll be off... So... You were commenting on a site where you can find pictures of crying underage girls get violently raped by alien monster tentacles so forcefully that the tentacles are visually outlined on the girl's stomach and so deeply that the tentacles sprout out of the girl's mouth... and yet the picture that revolts you so much you absolutely had to comment upon it was the rather innocent picture of a woman and a rodent about to kiss? There's just something about that fact that, in and off itself, shines a really rather disturbing light upon your pov...

1 Points Flag
Reila commented at 2013-04-24 17:22:12 » #1308582

@Ingenuity: No, you don't fight Ash in any Pokémon game. Ash is an anime-only charater, the character you battle in GSC/HGSS is named Red, a completely different person.

0 Points Flag
SmashWorld commented at 2014-12-22 12:16:23 » #1656945

This actually isn't Ash's Pikachu, and let me explain why. This Pikachu is obviously video game Pikachu which means that if it were to be anyone's Pikachu, it would be Red's, Ash's video game counterpart. HOWEVER! That's not even completely true because all of Pikachu's pallete swaps show different hats, even in SSB4 it's a different hat for each game protagonist. One of the hats is the goggles Pichu wore in Melee so it's implied that the Pichu from Melee evolved before Brawl. It's anyone's Pikachu because EVERYONE has a Pikachu no matter what game it is. That's because Pikachu is the most popular Pokemon worldwide.

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