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Anonymous commented at 2016-11-03 23:38:54 » #2044328

Did she finally kill the doctor?

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-02-15 01:55:01 » #2211956

Don't think that's really what the artist is going for thematically. And that's great because we have more than enough body horror anime/manga. This is just unalloyed cuteness.

Funnily enough, despite her rather impressive teeth, it's entirely possible that she's harmless to humans.

She is most likely carnivorous, yes, but the shape of her skull just isn't going to give her the leverage to kill with her bites alone no matter how impressive the chompers she's got going for her. Her tail could be used for constricting purposes, but it seems to be primarily a mobility appendage.

Coupled with her prehensile feet, I'd suspect she's some sort of arboreal dweller and probably eats relatively small prey, using her teeth to cram it down mostly whole.

I'd actually liken her to a cheetah. A fast predator, but one that posses relatively little threat to grown humans. There have in fact been cases of tamed Cheetahs being quite docile and getting along well with humans and companion dogs.

Probably more thought than a character drawn to indulge the artists fetish really warrants, but then, the artist clearly put a great deal of work into their art so . . . eh why not?

0 Points Flag
mtg_wolfie commented at 2018-04-17 22:45:59 » #2230274

@anon 2: it's also entirely possible that the artist was meaning to have people talk about her. I haven't seen any blatantly sexual pictures, so... yeah. I'm sure she's more of a cute creature than sexual, in the artists mind. She sure is in mine.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-10-24 04:02:07 » #2295107

I see this more as a picture from a scene: The time came to take Ada back to wherever it is they got her from, for the sake of research. While they're out and moving, Ada grabs the Doctor's coat and runs off with it. After something of a long chase, they wind up in a cave and we're looking down from the Doctor's perspective.

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