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Anonymous commented at 2016-11-06 10:44:26 » #2045513

Isn't this the type of gun used by the White Fang and Junior's henchmen?

Well, it's logical they never won any major battles. It doesn't even transform into a gun.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-11-06 13:59:10 » #2045603

It woudln't look out of place in an Azure Gunvolt game.
Or a megaman game for that matter.

Loost pretty cool in fact. Too bad it's a bad weapon utility-wise by RWBY standard.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-11-06 17:47:46 » #2045689

Its a bad weapon period. Look at the size of those rounds and where the magazine is. there cant be more than an inch of barrel for those things, even snub nose revolvers have 2 inches for the bullet. The kick must be monstrous.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-11-07 03:24:43 » #2045892

No one likes those faggets who go on about guns and pretend to be know it alls (and i'm not a gun fanatic), but since the ejection port is behind the magazine and significantly above the barrel...we know nothing about the action of this gun in particular. In other words, this gun is so different that we don't know if the round might slide back and the action could be closer to where the trigger is, which means the barrel is a normal size compared to other pistols.

Also there'd actually be less kick if the barrel was shorter, because more of the gasses escape as opposed to propelling the bullet forward (less force pushing the bullet forward means less force pushing the user back courtesy of newton's third law).

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-11-07 04:02:27 » #2045894

To explain the shorter barrel thing a little better...a shorter barrel means less of the actual explosion goes to pushing the bullet. Like there'd be greater muzzle flash because once the bullet leaves the barrel, the explosion is no longer propelling the bullet, it's just escaping every which way in the air around the muzzle. That's the fundamental reason why rifles have better range cuz the barrel is longer and thus more "explosion" goes into pushing that bullet out.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-11-20 20:51:56 » #2052101

considering everyone has Aura, even the mooks, I imagine a magnum-esque gun like this wouldn't exactly terrorize even them with kickback and recoil

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-12-02 13:51:42 » #2058350

depends on the weight of the barrel too though. if it is long enough to absorb the energy maybe the recoil will be less.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-12-02 21:20:53 » #2058611

#2058350, the length of the barrel doesn't change the energy absorbed. No matter how long the barrel is, the same amount of energy is absorbed, provided none escapes out the muzzle at firing. That's what I was saying earlier. The only effect that the length has is the fact that more of the explosion escapes, causing less recoil.

1 Points Flag