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Monkeyboy commented at 2016-12-15 18:28:04 » #2065309

"Objectification" is a myth thought up by angry unattractive women who can't get men to look at them. Somehow, by lobbying or whatever other self-serving propaganda, they managed to pressure men and other, actually attractive women, to jump on board with them. Anyone with some common-sense can quickly figure out that 'objectification' is a meaningless word. Whenever you are aroused by a person or interested in a person for their appearance, whether you're a man, woman, gay or straight, you will be 'objectifying' them. It is a simple innocent part of the human psyche. Men do it, women do it, everybody does it.

Place yourself in the position of a bitter woman going up against 'objectification' and consider for yourself just how ridiculous of a position this is to be taking. If you saw, as a man, that naked guys were paraded around everywhere, showing their chiseled abs and whatnot on billboards, being used by women as cash cows and baby making machines-oh wait, that's already happening isn't it! And do you see any men taking offense? No! Because only a wimp with a weak personality would be offended by the fact that someone's appearance is being pushed ahead of their personality.

Every woman in the free west who is 'objectified' is being objectified by free will and has no single reason to be ashamed for it. As for Samus, she's not even a real person, so what gives! Of course nudity is not appropriate for the actual metroid franchise, because it's a serious franchise meant for wide group of people. But why can't a female protagonist be sexually attractive? There's nothing that could be lost by it.

If only people weren't so hung up on this supposed 'sexism' trope. It's political correctness gone berserk, and the sad thing is how hot-blooded straight men are letting themselves be pacified and shut up by this left wing feminist propaganda. Any straight guy who hates on well-drawn pictures of sexy girls is nothing more than a brain-washed chump, there's not other way to say it. Get back to your roots, figure out what makes you a straight man, and stop being ashamed of what you are.

6 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2016-12-15 18:39:07 » #2065310

How is this degrading? She's clearly drawn as in charge and having chosen to do this, not forced. If anything it seems like something Samus would do on a kinky night with a lover.

She is a woman men would die for and she knows it.

Also fiction and fantasy.

2 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2016-12-15 18:43:57 » #2065312

@Monkeyboy There kind of is a problem but they are looking at the wrong place. If they put even half this much effort into fighting human trafficking (now there's a group that reduce people to just objects) and getting rape kits that are just sitting on shelves tested the world would have a lot less heartache.

Sadly, bitching about cartoon woman's boobs is just easier.

2 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2016-12-15 18:45:51 » #2065314

@#2065242 Would you believe me if I told you there was a time when the comments were actually an awesome place filled with humor and intelligent conversation and friendly people?

Good times.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-12-15 18:48:55 » #2065317

I'm just gonna point out that the artist is female.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-12-15 18:57:21 » #2065320

LMAO looks like a feminist is out and about, a feminist is nothing more than a penis envy twit who make other women look bad by their remarks and attitudes towards real women who aren't, enough said. Yes this is a great pic, art style and everything.

1 Points Flag
Kirbyman01 commented at 2016-12-15 19:03:44 » #2065323

Holy shit, wait Olga? Well...duh me, should have expected that

1 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2016-12-15 19:04:56 » #2065324


They don't care, they still bitch. Skullgirls has been called sexist and that's probably the most female dominated cast in a fighting game.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-12-28 07:46:06 » #2071939

Just shut up and fap. I came to this lovely piece of art. :3

2 Points Flag