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Anonymous commented at 2016-12-21 21:31:56 » #2068692

I don't understand Rei in this context.

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Anonymous commented at 2017-09-13 23:55:36 » #2166677

> I don't understand Rei in this context.
You're probably thinking of it like "Oh, but Rei is such a good girl, she wouldn't do that, only bad girls do that..."
But try thinking of it the other way around. In the series we see Rei unashamed of her own nudity - and this is not to show us how indecent she is, but rather how pure she is. Now take the same idea, just stretch it a bit and you get Rei unashamed of sex, not because she is so dirty, but because she is so fundamentally pure that it cannot possibly stain her. Then, Rei also says it herself how she would as a matter of course die if she is so ordered. And if she is willing go that far, surely she would also have sex if ordered (I'm sure there would be fan theories there somewhere stating she actually did have sex with the Commander), especially if she does not perceive it as something shameful. Then it is again a little stretch to where she wouldn't mind taking such orders from other people too, as long as they don't contradict Commander's orders. Meaning, unless Commander didn't specifically tell her not to have sex with anyone else, she wouldn't see a reason to refuse if a random guy, or a bunch of random guys, ask her for sex. Again, the main idea here is that she doesn't mind sex not because she is a low slutty filthy bad girl, but quite the contrary because she is a pure angelic good girl who is so much above it that it doesn't bother her.
Does it make any sense? Anyway, that's how I prefer to think of Rei, or actually most characters I like, in the context of hentai, Rei just fits most perfectly.

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