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Anonymous commented at 2017-08-08 09:29:00 » #2156453

You came to the wrong neighborhoo-hoot.

1 Points Flag
artperson123 commented at 2023-02-16 02:31:48 » #2783667

Despite the dark colors and creepy looking owls, I really don't get a threatening vibe from this the owls holding up cups and plates in the back along with this mysterious figure casually drinking tea gives off a more inviting vibe then scary. I've noticed that the theme of light and dark are very prevalent theme throughout this artists work, Characters are oft seen wearing white or black gowns (sometimes both) accompanied by them doing something or with an activity taking place around them. He chooses to light his environments in a way where half of the scene is covered in light while the other half lays in shadow, also things seem to be in reverse from the norm, scenes where the characters are ordained in white garments or are standing in the light are accompanied by concepts of death and darkness, and like wise the characters ordained in black garments shows more life and brightness, it's as if the artist is trying to tell us something through all of this. One of the interpretation that I've gathered from it is that things are not always as how you may think they are.

There is a particular illustration from Mr Yoshikos art book that I quite admire. ( unfortunately I can't find it on the internet) but It shows an innocent looking young boy standing in a mirror holding what I can only assume to be some sort of baby elk, the boy stands "looking" at himself with an almost sorrowful expression on his face while the elk has a calm expression on it's face. It looks rather wholesome at first glance, but then you notice strange things about it, the boy has noticeably large horns coming out of the back of his head that would be too large to support someone of his physical mass, on top of that he is casting a shadow reflection behind him, but the shadow does not at all match with his psychical appearance, as a matter of fact it doesn't even look human, and then we notice his hands where he's holding the elk creature and his are both stretching past the boarder of the mirror, it is then that you realize that this "Boy" isn't staring into the mirror looking at himself, but he, or more precisely "it" is coming out of it towards YOU! the viewer, but can this thing really be trusted? why is it masquerading as a little boy, and what is this things true intentions? In comparison we have the owl picture above which looks visually more creepy yet the actions and posture of the black mysterious figure is quite casual and even inviting, but the picture of the innocent little boy in the mirror holding the elk seems way more dangerous when factoring in the intel we've gathered.

Think about that scene from Men in Black 1 where "Agent J" goes through that shootout test with a bunch of other men, while everyone else opted to shoot the obvious grotesque monsters around them it is only agent J who holds his fire and it isn't until the last second where he shoots a round into an unseen target. It is reveled once the light comes back on that his target was of 8 yr old little Tiffany. Now what threat could a cute little properly dressed 8 yr old school girl possibly pose? It's not like she was doing something bad right? she didn't have a gun, a knife, or anything that could visibly be used as a weapon , so why her? all she was doing was walking down a shady looking neighborhood at night with a quantum physics book, and that's precisely the point, those "grotesque monsters" that everyone else shot had reasonable alibi's for their action, one alien is doing pull ups on a street pole while the other one has a tissue in his hand sneezing, none of these actions presents an immediate threat, but neither did little Tiffany? Yet it was the fact that she was there in the first place that made her suspicious, an 8 yr old school girl has no business out and about walking that time a night, and she's completely unsupervised. Where are her parents? on top of that she's studying college level subject matter that would normally be beyond comprehension for her age group, either she's just an extremely gifted girl, or somethings way wrong, the fact that she's studying that type of material hints at a considerable level of maturity too, despite the monstrous presence she is ironically the last person you'd ever want to trust, and that's the same with the boy in the mirror, so what is the message here? is it to not judge a book by it's cover? Such statements are too rudimentary for my taste. I take it as a sign to scrutinize everything to the fullest of extent, rather something is good or bad is subjective to the person viewing it, but judge carefully, because the thing that may seem good may be the thing that kills you,OR! maybe i just have too much time on my hand and am reading too much into these illustrations , that is for you to judge as well.

5 Points Flag