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Tyranogre commented at 2017-02-14 22:22:20 » #2097028

Since the Fates comics that I did last year got such positive reception, I decided to try hard-translating MILF!Tiki's section of that Awakening CGset that came out several years ago.

However, I'm just an editor; not a translator. There are still several pages that either aren't translated, or only partially done:






...plus the ones before this "scene" where's giving a blowjob.

If anyone knows Japanese and can translate the remaining images, I should be able to hard-translate them and put them in order.

As for the rest of the set, Lucina and Tharja's scenes have already been translated by CG Rascal, so that just leaves Nowi, Nah, and Loli!Tiki's scenes.

3 Points Flag
Tyranogre commented at 2017-02-14 22:23:53 » #2097029

Also, special thanks to chickadee for helping me find the font that CG Rascal used to translate Lucina and Tharja's scenes.

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