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Anonymous commented at 2017-02-28 02:33:04 » #2103266

What a "passionate" Rapist, lol !

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-02-28 03:59:05 » #2103295

Diablo was basically a desperate man forced to lead his army in a terrible situation. Him and his entire race of demons were dying out due to the lack of being able to breed within their own clan, forcing them to rape others outside of their own in order to (hopefully) impregnate women to sustain their populace. He realistically wanted peace and cohabitation, but wasn't above being cruel to his enemies (the ending where the party gives up after losing to him and the girls get imprisoned and perpetually raped as breeding stock prove this).

The real problem was that most of his underlings were extremely cruel and wanted to rape for just the sake of raping, such as what Cala had to go through when she was repeatedly raped for the sake of "breeding".

Ironically Diablo posthumously succeeds in his plan, as after he dies Julietta brings peace between the Seki (elves) and humans vs the Demons by revealing she was pregnant with Diablo's child, and gives birth to a healthy son.

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-02-28 05:00:20 » #2103310

awww, that was a nice rape, she's clearly enjoying it at the end.

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-03-12 21:50:30 » #2108426


4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-09-22 16:55:49 » #2283520

Diablo-apologists can fuck right off, just because your race is going extinct does not make mass rape an acceptable way of fixing that lol...

25 Points Flag
bushwhacker2k commented at 2020-06-16 20:48:26 » #2542100

I feel like over-analyzing this gives it more credence when it deserves, when in actuality the story is just a backdrop for rape porn for people to fap to. (Go right ahead, btw ^_^)

12 Points Flag
luigi-dude commented at 2022-02-04 09:20:19 » #2685897

Sure hope all the cataclysmic portents showing up around the kingdom aren't related to the Demonic seed fostered by the defiled Queen.

1 Points Flag