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Anonymous commented at 2017-06-06 14:28:57 » #2136472

This character's name is Aiko, she only appeared in Mario Artist Talent Studio which was only released in Japan for the N64 DD add on. Due to the add on sold poorly in the Japanese market, this game and N64DD were never sold in U.S. and I was the one who requested her years ago so you guys should all thank me for making this happen! She has no fan art or any hentai related to her and she is only a model for the player to use and animate for his or her own 3D movies in Mario Artist!

The girl herself appeared in one of the sample vids from Talent Studio called Hotcake and the 3D people in the game are called Talent/Tarento.

Aiko rides a broomstick in this strange animation short where she had to find pancake syrup and a mysterious pink rabbit guy named Usagi would give her a seed for her to eat and playing his flute would make the seed taste like the syrup she was looking for. In the end, she gained weight.

I hope all this info helps!

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