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Anonymous commented at 2017-04-19 14:22:21 » #2120770

I was being amicable, QAiizx. I never said I didn't watch the show, or read the manga, and I didn't advise that others should avoid either iteration and *still* complain about the series. In fact, I never said I didn't enjoy it. My point was that people have the right to bitch about it, whether or not they watch the series, if their criticisms are validly based off of the shows history and the nature of what's being done with it now - not to mention the times such extensions have been done before elsewhere to sadly less than glowing reviews. But those same people need to be ready to find that not everyone agrees with them and will call them out on that shit almost instantly, for better or for worse, to humorous effect.

And I know. It sucks to love something and watch it done in a way you find displeasing to the cheerful roar of your peers, and it hurts when you happen to like that same series continuing but other fans want it to pass on rather than be stretched out on butchered for whatever bits of fanservice can be found. But neither side is wrong. There's always two sides. All we can do is hope that when it does end (which it will), it doesn't diminish the memories of how awesome it not only was, but still could be. Leaving that bit of potential behind is important. But that's just my opinion. If someone can't see the irony in my first post, and misconstrues my second as trying to be hurtful in any way, well, that's the internet.

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