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Anonymous commented at 2008-11-04 23:26:21 » #18491

Which class coat is he wearing?

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Anonymous commented at 2008-11-05 15:10:04 » #18541

It's coat of 9 division (Kaname Tōsen was captain in this division)

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2008-11-05 18:18:52 » #18548

Ichigo is the new black guy?

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Anonymous commented at 2008-11-08 18:12:15 » #18894

Ichigo's Bankai Tensa Zangetsu, is not a curved sword, it is a Nodachi, a straight longsword.

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VvoicezZ commented at 2008-12-02 16:35:45 » #22045

Do you have to be completely dead to be in a class?

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Anonymous commented at 2009-03-24 16:11:59 » #38691

^You have to actually be a shinigami, whilst he is still human. (even though his soul chain was cut, which I don't get how he is still a human)

1 Points Flag
Drakken commented at 2009-08-01 00:24:02 » #86358

Ichigo isn't human, at least not anymore. After Rukia gave him her power, he became a Shinigami, though he was still alive and therefore could continue to inhabit his body in the real world. After Urahara cut his chain and Ichigo had to fight to keep from becoming a hollow, he became a Vaizard, albeit an incomplete one at best. Now he's a little more complete, though not nearly to the level of Shinji and the others.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-09-01 14:32:33 » #104142

Ichigo can not become a Captain of the Soul Society... because he is a Vizard.. because of his inner hollow he would not be accepted...

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Anonymous commented at 2009-09-20 23:23:06 » #115575

Though Draken you could look at this in a more interesting light, albeit maybe not entirely right.
When Rukia gave Ichigo her powers he became a Shinigami, however when those powers were taken away he then technically was human again. Urahara in turn made him into a hollow, which he was able to free himself from by attaining his shinigami power. So in a way could you not also argue that he is part arrancar as well, having gone from Hollow to Shinigami? as well as Vizard having been shinigami and gained the powers of a hollow?
sorry, just being weird and reading in between likely nonexistent lines to put a more reasonable spin how he would be able to gain more and more power as he has.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-04-28 02:25:22 » #1058982

He is both hollow and shinigami, not one or the other. When he regained his shinigami abilities, he also gained his hollow abilities. His zanpakuto is both a shinigami spirit and a hollow spirit. His hollow is part of Zangetsu, much like Zangetsu is part of him. His evolution took the path of a Vizored, but he was more than capable of going the other way with having the hollow part of him dominate and eventually becoming an Arrancar. Of course, this was not really an option because he would have been killed if the hollow had taken him. It's interesting to think about because Kubo never really went into detail on the matter, like normal. It leaves us to speculate. On one hand, he became a shinigami with hollow abilities, but he could also have become a hollow with shinigami abilities. If he hadn't gained his shinigami abilities again in the second he had, if only a split second later, he would have been the hollow.

But perhaps it was the moment he regained his abilities that gave him his Vizoredness, with the capability of both being in a Bankai state and a Resurrección, which he demonstrated in the fight with Ulquiorra. Tosen showed he also gained a Resurrección, but was unable to use it along with his shinigami zanpakuto, or simply chose not to. Ichigo is the 50x50. Tosen lost because he embraced becoming a hollow more than his existing abilities. Aizen lost because he forsook his shinigami abilities for that of a hollow, just releasing the shikai and he would have been unstoppable. Ichigo won because he merged his two powers, allowing him to rise to an even higher dimension of power, which he foolishly wasted on Aizen.

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