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Anonymous commented at 2017-05-21 21:19:59 » #2131019

Nahh you definitely have poor taste.

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The_Dark_Emperor_Berzerker commented at 2017-05-21 23:30:56 » #2131056

So, Pretty Cure is throwing their hat into the Dragon Ball ring huh?

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Anonymous commented at 2017-05-21 23:41:11 » #2131059

This series is all over the place, and that's obviously just what its going to be. Taking it seriously just doesn't work. At least for me. There was a Pink-haired-Goku-Body-Snatching God with an overly mixed up time bender where he fused with himself, only to be defeated by a Spirit Bomb used by someone who has had zero training or perhaps even knowledge of the technique, followed by a a snow-cone colored Goku fighting in a multi-verse tournament that leads to an even larger multi-verse tournament where the participants include multiple Ginyu Force-esque opponents, for the amusement of a God-child who shares his role with himself from another time - much like the Pink SSJ from before. Gohan returns to form in a few hours, because it was always just that easy. 17 is back and he's like the toughest park ranger ever. Roshi can knock down Tien, and Yamcha is amazing more of a loser than I thought he could ever be, as I'm pretty sure he just pimped out Puar. Oh, and Freeza is still a thing... somehow. I mean, the guy is basically Cobra Commander at this point.

And you know what? Fuck yeah. I'm all in. This show isn't Z. It doesn't want to be Z. I think it kinda hated what Z became. And no matter how much the manga tries to make some heads or tails of all I'm seeing... This clip probably makes perfect sense by comparison to everything else in the series. If this gets a "what" tag... fuck it. Put it on all of Super, 'cause this is basically what we're gonna be getting, even when its awesome and gives us some nifty fights. I love it.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-05-22 07:31:41 » #2131141

this girl just reminds me of fat buu

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Anonymous commented at 2017-05-22 09:55:01 » #2131196

You guys are just upset because her isn't another piece of flapping material. In Super only, we have three angels girls, that Cleopatra GoD, that pop-idol singer, Tien's stalker, and a human Puar.

You can afford to have one female that's not meant for fan-service.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-05-22 14:09:34 » #2131255

You can bet there will be porn of her at some point though. Me, I'm predicting lots of people shipping her with Buu.

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Anonymous commented at 2017-05-22 21:27:59 » #2131393

How is this better than GT? Come on guys GT, REALLY SUCKED! And by some miracle that i can't see, Super is some how better? Dragon ball isn't what it used to be.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-05-22 21:42:26 » #2131395

At least GT ruined what came after Z. Super is basically making the whole ending of Z pointless, because why the fuck does Goku even care about the likes of Uub with all of this shit happening in time skip right before the final bit of Z?

He only gave a fuck because Uub is a reincarnation of Kid Buu, an extremely powerful foe that he fought that he wants to train (and thus be able to fight) because of his power. But Uub pales in comparison to virtually every goddamned thing introduced in Super.

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Anonymous commented at 2017-05-22 22:52:45 » #2131412

^so Goku is not allow to train Uub just because he has fought stronger opponents in super?

1 Points Flag
Nafe commented at 2017-05-22 23:02:59 » #2131415

I think it's more of the reasoning behind it. In Z, Goku had no other worthy opponents except Vegeta so he was extremely eager to fight Uub.

With Super, he literally has a few universes full of worthy opponents. All of which are able to defeat Kid Buu, some probably even easily. Even if the others get erased, there are (i think) 4 universes that were given free passes from this tournament for being that much stronger than the others.

BUT, i do think they are making a roundabout as these last episodes have been, in a way, showing Goku that there are still plenty of good rivals on Earth.

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