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AlwaysJohn commented at 2017-06-08 10:14:11 » #2137042

Oh hello Ultra level Digimon...
I mean... Pokemon...

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Anonymous commented at 2017-06-09 05:38:09 » #2137376

I can't believe how people got so pissed that this got revealed EXPECTING an actual remake of DPP. And also assuming this was going to be on the Nintendo Switch of all things. Since WHEN have gamefreak jumped to a new console mid-generation? Never. So people shouldn't jump the gun assuming what we're gonna get until it's officially announced.

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Anonymous commented at 2017-06-09 07:29:56 » #2137399

and here is the new theme song

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Anonymous commented at 2017-06-10 04:29:00 » #2137759

they are saving eight gen for switch, right now since they are in mid cycle it make sense to make it for the 3ds and get an easy million out of it since pokemon fans sadly always buy every game that comes out even the less popular ones.

it also make sense to save dpp remakes for eight gen id rather have it with swich graphics than 3ds graphics but thats just me

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