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Anonymous commented at 2012-01-15 10:40:28 » #977545

I have a question... Why Dearka?

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-17 12:06:27 » #1342675

Why Shiro? Why Naruto, or Sasuke? (Or Itachi, though oddly never Sakura.) Why Sailor fucking Moon of all things? Seriously?
The answer is that fans are weird, and that Zero no Tuskaima/Familiar of Zero is ripe with a built in plot allowing for crossovers easily.
Hill of swords was good, The Naruto and Sasuke ones were not, the Itachi one was just strange, and the less said about the Usagi one the better.

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Anonymous commented at 2014-10-09 00:23:03 » #1614758

Pretty much what Anon2 said. The series itself isn't so great. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The anime (especially the last season) traded in many of the cool scenes, political intrigue, and worldbuilding from the light novels for more fanservice, and the light novels have absolutely atrocious character development, especially for its two MCs.

The series' greatest strong-points among fanfic writers are its interesting setting, the sheer potential the story had, the fact that it was written badly (it actually makes it less intimidating to try and write fanfiction for a story that wasn't written well), and the fact that, as Anon2 pointed out, the plot itself is practically designed to facilitate crossovers more easily.

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