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LivingCorpse commented at 2017-07-19 22:35:14 » #2150666

This place is Hell.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-07-20 01:47:43 » #2150712

This place needs a couple of nukes. >.<

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-07-20 18:43:26 » #2150861

Its like an evil version of Australia, almost everything is trying to kill you.

2 Points Flag
Dropey commented at 2017-08-02 12:11:45 » #2154659

Now that you've watched this, go and look up the post-credits scene of the movie. Congrats, you just saved yourself 2 hours.

Seriously, unless you're just a huge John C. Reilly fan, these teasers summarize literally every interesting plot point. You aren't missing out.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-08-02 12:46:19 » #2154665

I disagree I felt like this movie was a lot of fun, huge improvement over the 2014 Godzilla film which was a drag to sit through.

3 Points Flag
Dropey commented at 2017-08-03 10:25:31 » #2154978

I'm not saying it was necessarily bad, as far as recent monster flicks go it was even good. Blame nostalgia if you want, but I still don't like CGI monsters. That's literally all the plot there is, though. Just like Godzilla, all it did was get me tickled about the idea of seeing King Ghidora a few years later. Even then maybe I'll leave the theater wishing I could have my afternoon back.

0 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2017-08-06 17:01:16 » #2155999

I will say the supplemental material for KSI was a step down from that of the supplemental material of Godzilla 2014. Funny how that works.

1 Points Flag