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Iris86 commented at 2009-06-28 14:57:20 » #69300

Surge: gaaahhh hahahaha, and you told me I could not drink the whole barrel...
Sabrina: I never told you that you couldn't, I told you that you must not do that...
Surge: tee-hee burp...

and these two lived happily ever after, what a shocking relation dontcha think?

13 Points Flag
maniacal_tentacle_monster commented at 2009-06-28 14:58:46 » #69301

She would never go with Surge. :(

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-08-09 20:34:42 » #91598

Dude! It's Vash the Stampede!!!

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-09 11:53:20 » #766479

@maniacal_tentacle_monster Sure she would. They're already fellow Rocket generals and Kanto gym leaders, as well as (sort of) friends. It's more realistic than Dawn/Hikari and [insert any name here] or... what's a weird one... Cynthia and the child protagonist? >.< I mean, really...

3 Points Flag