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Scp1646 commented at 2017-11-03 00:31:23 » #2180634

I got bored and decided to get rid of those stupid who's bars, how'd I do?

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-11-03 00:37:47 » #2180637

Looks good, I wanna fuck this rock more now that her pussycat doesn't look like a prison.

6 Points Flag
Scp1646 commented at 2017-11-03 00:58:17 » #2180641

Thank you, I doubt I'll ever be able to do more than just these simple ones but I'd like to take on more in the future

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-11-03 01:31:59 » #2180645

I feel like this would be as pleasurable as screwing a geode.

8 Points Flag
BlackBlader commented at 2017-11-03 01:48:44 » #2180647

Nice. It reminds me of blue waffle.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-11-03 03:57:44 » #2180664

Being hard as diamonds is actually just a metaphor.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-11-18 17:10:39 » #2184964

This anime makes just as much sense to me just as the porn of this anime. They're frigging rocks, minerals, how the fk are they even moving, and if they are, what's this shit about breaking? Logically, if they still break, then movement should fracture them in itself, this whole concept makes just as much sense as her spreading her rock hard pussy here (it doesn't)...

4 Points Flag
Web_Ranger commented at 2017-12-24 12:17:27 » #2195737

@Anon Maybe they're normally squishy but harden on impact?

0 Points Flag
Paruseea commented at 2018-01-26 09:05:25 » #2206245

To Anon4: Is this your first time watching anime?
Cause if it is, how did you even come to this anime? Because i don`t think it`s a real good introduction to anime, as your first or second.
Otherwise, what kind of realistic anime did you watch? Attack on Titan, Pokemon, Dragonmaid, Kill la Kill, Dragonball, Nichijou? Cause we all now all these other anime make sense.

3 Points Flag
Preferences commented at 2018-03-05 19:38:39 » #2217645

Sorry to burst the bubbles of all the straight guys here but, the most likely gender for these living gemstones is male. It's been noted by the fandom that although they are pretty and wear booty shorts, the gems use male pronouns (彼(kare)/he; お兄様(onii-sama)/older brother; 弟(otouto)/younger brother) to refer to each other and use masculine forms of "I" (僕/boku, 俺/ore) when referring to themselves. Honestly I doubt they even have genitals 'cus they grew out of rocks and have no need to reproduce (the biological and environmental science of immortality vs reproduction, if you don't want to be bored then the Prof. in the movie Lucy touches upon it best), but if they did have genitals you straight guys lucked out, they'd be male.

5 Points Flag